아이와 함께 영어공부하려고 찾아보았어요
1. Muddy Puddles
Narrator: It is raining today. So Peppa and George cannot play outside.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, it's stopped raining.
Peppa Pig: Can we go out to play?
Daddy Pig: All right, run along you two.
Narrator: Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: I love muddy puddles.
Mummy Pig: Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy.
Narrator: George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too.
Peppa Pig: George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.
Narrator: Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George.
Peppa Pig: George, let's find some more puddles.
Narrator: Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.
Narrator: Peppa has found a little puddle.
Narrator: George has found a big puddle.
Peppa Pig: Look, George. There's a really big puddle.
Narrator: George wants to jump into the big puddle first.
Peppa Pig: Stop, George.
Peppa Pig: I must check if it's safe for you.
Peppa Pig: Good. It is safe for you.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, George. It's only mud.
Narrator: Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Come on, George.
Peppa Pig: Let's go and show Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Goodness me.
Peppa Pig: Daddy. Daddy.
Peppa Pig: Guess what we've been doing.
Daddy Pig: Let me think...
Daddy Pig: Have you been watching television?
Peppa Pig: No. No. Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Have you just had a bath?
Peppa Pig: No. No.
Daddy Pig: I know. You've been jumping in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been jumping in muddy puddles.
Daddy Pig: Ho. Ho. And look at the mess you're in.
Peppa Pig: Oooh...
Daddy Pig: Oh, well, it's only mud.
Daddy Pig: Let's clean up quickly before Mummy sees the mess.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy come and play, too?
Daddy Pig: Yes, we can all play in the garden.
Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their boots.
Narrator: Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots.
Narrator: Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Mummy Pig: Oh, Daddy Pig, look at the mess you're in.
Peppa Pig: It's only mud.
2. Mr Dinosaur is Lost
Narrator: George's favourite toy is Mr Dinosaur.
George: Dinosaur.
Narrator: George loves Mr Dinosaur.
George: Grr.
Narrator: Sometimes, George likes to scare Peppa with Mr Dinosaur.
George: Grr.
Peppa Pig: Eeek! Too scary.
Narrator: At suppertime, Mr Dinosaur sits next to George.
Mummy Pig: I beg your pardon.
Mummy Pig: Was that you George, or was it Mr Dinosaur?
George: Dinosaur.
Narrator: At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr Dinosaur.
George: Grr.
Mummy Pig: Good night, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Good night, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: Good night, George.
Mummy Pig: And good night, Mr Dinosaur.
George: Grr.
Narrator: When George goes to bed, Mr. Dinosaur is tucked up with him.
Narrator: George's favourite game is throwing Mr. Dinosaur up in the air...
George: Whee!
Narrator: ...and catching him when he falls back down.
George: Whee!
Narrator: Peppa and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.
Peppa Pig: I win, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Oh. Well done, Peppa.
George: Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaa.
Daddy Pig: George?
George: Whaaaaaaaaa.
Mummy Pig: George, what's the matter?
George: Dinosaur.
Daddy Pig: George, have you lost Mr Dinosaur?
Narrator: George has lost Mr Dinosaur.
Mummy Pig: Don't worry George. We'll find Mr Dinosaur.
Daddy Pig: It's a job for a detective.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, what is a detective?
Daddy Pig: A detective is a very important person who is good at finding things.
Peppa Pig: Me! Me! I'm good at finding things.
Daddy Pig: All right. Peppa is the detective.
Peppa Pig: George. I am the detective. I will help you find Mr Dinosaur.
Mummy Pig: Maybe the detective should ask George some simple questions.
Peppa Pig: George? Where's Mr Dinosaur?
George: Whaaaaaaaaaa.
Narrator: George does not know where Mr Dinosaur is.
Daddy Pig: The detective could try and guess where Mr Dinosaur might be.
Peppa Pig: I know. I know where he is.
Peppa Pig: George always has Mr Dinosaur with him in the bath.
Peppa Pig: So Mr Dinosaur is in the bath.
Narrator: Mr Dinosaur is not in the bath.
Peppa Pig: Oh. I know. I know where Mr Dinosaur is.
Peppa Pig: George always has Mr Dinosaur in his bed at night.
Peppa Pig: So that's where he is.
Narrator: Mr Dinosaur is not in George's bed.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Mummy Pig: Maybe we should try the garden.
Peppa Pig: Yes, the garden. I was going to say that.
Peppa Pig: Where is Mr Dinosaur?
Narrator: Mr Dinosaur is very hard to find.
Peppa Pig: Oh. Mr Dinosaur isn't anywhere.
Daddy Pig: George? You do love to throw Mr Dinosaur in the air.
Daddy Pig: I wonder if this time you threw Mr Dinosaur just a bit too high.
Peppa Pig: There he is. There he is. I saw him first.
Daddy Pig: Well done, Peppa.
Daddy Pig: You really are a very good detective.
George: Dinosaur. Grr.
Narrator: George is so happy to have Mr Dinosaur back again.
George: Whee.
Daddy Pig: Maybe it isn't a good idea to play with dinosaurs near trees.
George: Dinosaur.
3. Polly Parrot
Narrator: Peppa and her family are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig.
Peppa Pig: Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig!
George: Granny ‘ig, Grandpa ‘ig!
Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones. Come inside. We have a surprise.
Peppa Pig: What is it?
Granny Pig: We have a new pet. Can you guess what it is?
George: Dinosaur?
Grandpa Pig: No, it’s not a dinosaur. Come and see.
Narrator: Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have a parrot.
Granny Pig: Peppa, George, this is our pet parrot. She’s called Polly. Pretty Polly.
Polly: Pretty Polly.
Peppa and George: Wow!
Granny Pig: I am a clever parrot.
Polly: I’m a clever parrot.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, why does Polly copy everything that Granny says?
Mummy Pig: That’s what parrots do. I’ll show you.
Mummy Pig: Hello, Polly.
Polly: Hello, Polly.
Mummy Pig: What a sweet little parrot.
Polly: What a sweet little parrot.
Granny Pig: Come on, everyone. Tea time.
Granny Pig: Peppa, George, come on. There’s chocolate cake.
Peppa Pig: Coming, Granny.
Narrator: Peppa and George love eating chocolate cake, but today they’re in a hurry to get back and play with Polly Parrot.
Peppa Pig: Finished.
Granny Pig: What noisy little ones you are.
Peppa Pig: Granny, please can we leave the table and go and see Polly Parrot?
Granny Pig: Are you sure you’ve completely finished your cake?
Granny Pig: Off you go, then.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: George, say something to Polly.
Narrator: George is a little bit shy.
Peppa Pig: Hello.
Polly: Hello.
Narrator: Peppa and George are really enjoying playing with Polly Parrot.
Peppa Pig: I’m Peppa Pig.
Polly: I’m Peppa Pig.
Peppa Pig: George, say something.
George: Oink.
Polly: Oink.
Narrator: Peppa and George are pretending to be parrots.
Peppa Pig: I’m Polly Parrot.
Narrator: Peppa is thinking of something else to say to Polly Parrot.
Peppa Pig: I’m a noisy parrot. Oink!
Polly: I’m a noisy parrot. Oink!
Granny Pig: Peppa, George, have you been playing with Polly?
Peppa Pig: Yes, Granny.
Granny Pig: Polly is such a sweet parrot.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Granny.
Granny Pig: I’m a clever parrot.
Polly: I’m a noisy parrot. Oink! I’m a noisy parrot. Oink!
Granny Pig: Oh, my word!
4. Best Friend
Narrator: Peppa is waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Suzy.
Suzy: Hello, Peppa.
Narrator: Suzy Sheep has come to play with Peppa.
Narrator: Peppa loves Suzy.
Narrator: Suzy loves Peppa.
Narrator: They are best friends.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, why don’t you and Suzy play in your bedroom?
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy.
Narrator: George wants to play, too.
Narrator: Peppa and Suzy love playing in Peppa’s bedroom.
Narrator: So does George.
Peppa Pig: No, George. This game is just for big girls.
Peppa Pig: Go and play with your own toys.
Narrator: Peppa and Suzy want to play on their own.
Peppa Pig: I’m a tiny little fairy princess.
Peppa Pig: I’m going to wave my magic wand and turn you into a frog.
Narrator: George doesn’t like playing on his own.
Narrator: George wants to play, too.
Peppa Pig: No, George. I’m playing with Suzy.
Peppa Pig: You have to play somewhere else.
Narrator: George wants to play with Peppa. He feels a bit lonely.
Mummy Pig: George, I need some help. I’m making chocolate chip cookies.
Mummy Pig: Someone needs to lick out the bowl.
Narrator: George likes helping Mummy make cookies, but he likes playing with Peppa more.
Suzy: I want to be a nurse.
Peppa Pig: I want to be a doctor.
Suzy: But who’s going to be the sick person?
Peppa Pig: George!
Narrator: Peppa and Suzy love playing doctors and nurses.
Narrator: So does George.
Narrator: Peppa listens to George’s chest.
Peppa Pig: Now, George. Take a big breath in, then cough.
Peppa Pig: I think your heart’s a bit loose.
Peppa Pig: I’ll put a plaster on it.
Suzy: Open wide, please.
Narrator: Suzy takes George’s temperature.
Suzy: Oh, dear. You’re very very hot.
Suzy: I think you have to stay in bed for three years.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has come to find George.
Daddy Pig: Oh, no. What’s wrong with George?
Peppa Pig: Don’t worry, Daddy. It’s only a game.
Peppa Pig: George is our patient.
Daddy Pig: Oh, I see.
Daddy Pig: Can the patient have a visitor?
Peppa Pig: Just for a little while.
Peppa Pig: He might get tired.
Peppa and Suzy: Cookies!
Mummy Pig: Yes, they’re for George. They’re his medicine to make him feel better.
Daddy Pig: Um, excuse me, doctor. Can you help me? I have a sore tummy.
Daddy Pig: That tickled.
Peppa Pig: I can hear it rumbling.
Peppa Pig: I think you’re hungry, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Well, I think I need lots of cookies to make me better.
Mummy Pig: And me.
Peppa Pig: And me.
Suzy: And me.
5. Hide and Seek
Narrator: Peppa and George are playing hide and seek.
Narrator: It is George's turn to hide.
Narrator: He must quickly find somewhere to hide before Peppa finishes counting.
Peppa Pig: One... two... three... four... five... six... seven...
Narrator: George has found somewhere to hide.
Peppa Pig: Eight...
Narrator: Just in time.
Peppa Pig: Nine... ten... Ready or not.
Peppa Pig: Here I come.
Narrator: Peppa has to find where George is hiding.
Peppa Pig: Found you.
Narrator: Peppa has found George.
Peppa Pig: George, I could see you too easily.
Narrator: Now it is Peppa's turn to hide.
George: One... um... three.
Mummy Pig: I'll help George to count.
Mummy Pig: One... two... three... four... five... six... seven... eight... nine... ten.
Mummy Pig: Okay, George, open your eyes.
Narrator: George has to find where Peppa is hiding.
George: Oh.
Narrator: Peppa isn't hiding under the table.
Daddy Pig: George, have you thought of looking upstairs?
Narrator: Peppa isn't under the bed.
Narrator: What was that strange noise?
Narrator: Peppa isn't behind the curtain.
Narrator: There is that strange noise again.
Narrator: What can it be?
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Narrator: George has found where Peppa was hiding.
Peppa Pig: George found me.
Peppa Pig: Now it's Daddy's turn to hide.
Daddy Pig: Oh, I think George should have another turn.
Peppa Pig: But George isn't very good at hiding.
Daddy Pig: I'm sure he'll be better this time.
Daddy Pig: Close your eyes and start counting.
Peppa Pig: One... two... three...
Narrator: Oh, dear.
Narrator: Peppa will easily find George.
Peppa Pig: Four... five... six...
Daddy Pig: George! Come over here...
Peppa Pig: Seven... eight... nine... ten.
Peppa Pig: Ready or not, here I come.
Peppa Pig: Oh, George isn't hiding under the table.
Peppa Pig: But George always hides under the table.
Daddy Pig: Have you thought of looking upstairs?
Peppa Pig: I know where he is.
Peppa Pig: George is in the toy basket.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Narrator: George is not in the toy basket.
Narrator: Where can he be?
Narrator: Peppa cannot find George anywhere.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, I can't find George anywhere.
Daddy Pig: Oh, dear, I wonder where he can be.
Daddy Pig: Actually, I think there's something about George in this newspaper.
George: Whee...
Peppa Pig: George. Found you.
Mummy Pig: Oh, George. That was a good place to hide.
Narrator: George was hiding behind Daddy Pig's newspaper all the time.
6. The Playgroup
Narrator: Peppa and George are going to the playgroup. It is George’s first day.
Daddy Pig: George, are you looking forward to the playgroup?
George: Oink, oink.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, maybe George is too small to go to my playgroup.
Daddy Pig: He’ll be fine, Peppa. There’ll be you and Mr Dinosaur there to keep him company.
George: Grrr, Dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: But I want to play with the big children, not George and his toy dinosaur.
Narrator: Oh, dear. Peppa doesn’t want George to go to her playgroup.
Daddy Pig: We’re here.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, are you sure George is big enough?
Daddy Pig: He’ll be fine.
Peppa Pig: All right, he can come.
Daddy Pig: Bye-bye.
Narrator: Madame Gazelle looks after the children at the playgroup.
Peppa Pig: Hello. This is my little brother George.
Madame Gazelle: Hello, George.
Suzy Sheep: I wish I had a little brother like George.
Peppa Pig: Really?
Danny Dog: Hello, I’m Danny Dog. Is that a dinosaur?
Peppa Pig: It’s just a toy dinosaur.
George: Grrr, dinosaur.
Danny Dog: Brilliant.
George: Dinosaur, grrr.
George: Dinosaur, grrr.
Madame Gazelle: Really scary.
Danny Dog: That’s brilliant.
Peppa Pig: George is my brother. He’s brilliant.
Narrator: Peppa is proud of her little brother George.
Madame Gazelle: Shall we show George how we paint pictures?
Peppa Pig: George is not very good at painting.
Madame Gazelle: Well, maybe you could help him.
Peppa Pig: Yes, I’m very good. I will show him how to paint a flower.
Peppa Pig: George, today I’m going to teach you how to paint a flower.
George: Oink, oink.
Peppa Pig: First you paint a big circle.
Peppa Pig: No, George. That’s the wrong colour.
Peppa Pig: Now you paint the flower’s petals.
Peppa Pig: George, that’s the wrong shape.
Peppa Pig: Now you paint the stalk and the leaves.
Peppa Pig: Perfect.
Peppa Pig: George, you’ve done it all wrong.
Madame Gazelle: Now, what do we have here?
Peppa Pig: I’ve painted a flower.
Madame Gazelle: That’s very good, Peppa. And George has painted a dinosaur.
George: Grrr, dinosaur.
Danny Dog: Brilliant.
Madame Gazelle: I think George and Peppa’s pictures should go on the wall.
The Children: Hurrah!
Madame Gazelle: Peppa, you must be very proud of your little brother.
Peppa Pig: Yes, I am.
Narrator: It is home time, and the children’s parents are here to pick them up.
Peppa Pig: Can George come next time?
Madame Gazelle: Yes, and he can paint us another lovely picture. And what will you paint next time, George?
George: Dinosaur, grrr.
Madame Gazelle: Another dinosaur picture? Well, maybe you can show us all how to paint a dinosaur.
Danny Dog: Brilliant.
Peppa Pig: Yes, brilliant.
George: Brilliant.
7. Mummy Pig at Work
Narrator: Mummy Pig is working on her computer. Daddy Pig is making soup for lunch.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, can we go and watch Mummy on her computer?
Daddy Pig: Yes, as long as you don’t disturb her. She has a lot of important work to do today.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Daddy.
Narrator: Mummy Pig has a lot of important work to do.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, could George and I sit on your lap and watch you work?
Mummy Pig: Yes, if you both sit quietly.
Narrator: Peppa and George love to watch Mummy work on the computer.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can we play that computer game, Happy Mrs Chicken?
Mummy Pig: We can play Happy Mrs Chicken later, but now I have to work.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can we help you work?
Mummy Pig: No, Peppa. You mustn’t touch the computer. And, George, you mustn’t touch the computer either.
Peppa Pig: Yes, George, you mustn’t do this.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, stop.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy. I was just showing George what not to do.
Narrator: Oh, dear. The computer is not meant to do that.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig. Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: What is it, Mummy Pig?
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, can you mend the computer?
Daddy Pig: Uhh...
Mummy Pig: I’ll finish the lunch while you mend the computer.
Daddy Pig: Uh, right you are, Mummy Pig, but I’m not very good with these things.
Mummy Pig: Oh, thank you, Daddy Pig.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is going to mend the computer.
Daddy Pig: Hmmm...Hmmm...Hmmm...Um, maybe if I just switch it off...and then switch it on again.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has mended the computer.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah, Daddy!
Daddy Pig: Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, can we play that computer game, Happy Mrs Chicken?
Daddy Pig: Maybe you should ask Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Mummy said that we could play it later.
Daddy Pig: Well, that’s OK then. But I don’t know where the disk is.
Peppa Pig: Yippee!
Peppa Pig: Now it’s my turn.
Daddy Pig: Now it’s my turn.
Mummy Pig: What on earth is going on?
Mummy Pig: Well, I see the computer is working again.
8. Camping
Narrator: Peppa and her family are going camping.
Daddy Pig: I love camping. We’re here.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, George, this is the tent I had when I was a little boy.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, how are you going to make that into a tent?
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry, Peppa. I’m an expert at camping. Mummy Pig, put the tent on the poles, please.
Daddy Pig: That’s it. Easy as pie.
Daddy Pig: Ooo.
Mummy Pig: Do these pegs do anything?
Daddy Pig: Of course, I forgot about the pegs.
Narrator: Pegs hold the tent up.
Daddy Pig: There.
Peppa Pig: The tent is a bit little.
Daddy Pig: It was big enough for me when I was a boy, but it does look a bit small now.
Mummy Pig: That’s because you’ve grown a bit since you were a boy, Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: And your tummy has grown the most of all.
Daddy Pig: Talking of tummies, we should cook supper.
Peppa Pig: Yes, yes.
Daddy Pig: First we have to collect sticks to make a fire.
Peppa Pig: Yippee.
Narrator: Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig collect sticks for the campfire.
Peppa Pig: George, I’ll pick up the sticks and you can carry them.
Peppa Pig: Collecting sticks is fun.
Daddy Pig: Good, that’s enough sticks.
Daddy Pig: That’s a splendid campfire. Now I’ll light it.
Mummy Pig: Here are the matches.
Daddy Pig: We don’t need matches.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, how can you light it without matches?
Daddy Pig: I’m going to make fire the old way. By simply rubbing these two sticks together.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is rubbing the two sticks together to light the campfire.
Peppa Pig: Where’s the fire, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: Nearly there.
Peppa, Mummy Pig and George: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: Easy as pie.
Mummy Pig: Now we can heat up the tomato soup.
Daddy Pig: Ah, listen to the sounds of nature.
Peppa Pig: What is that sound?
Daddy Pig: That is the sound of crickets chirping.
Peppa Pig: What is that?
Mummy Pig: That’s an owl. Look, there it is.
Peppa and George: Wow.
Peppa Pig: And what’s that noise?
Mummy Pig: Oh, I’m not sure.
Peppa Pig: It’s Daddy’s tummy.
Daddy Pig: My tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature. It means it’s time to eat.
Peppa Pig: I love tomato soup.
Daddy Pig: So do I.
Mummy Pig: There’s another one of Daddy Pig’s sounds of nature.
Daddy Pig: What?
Mummy Pig: Come on, children. Into the tent. It’s bedtime.
Peppa Pig: We won’t all fit in. The tent is too little.
Daddy Pig: It will be fine. In you go.
Daddy Pig: Move further in, Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, you’re too big for the tent.
Daddy Pig: Never mind. I’d rather sleep outside anyway.
Mummy Pig: Good night, Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Good night, Daddy.
George: Night-night.
Daddy Pig: Good night, everyone.
Narrator: Mummy Pig, Peppa and George are sleeping in the tent. Daddy Pig is sleeping outside under the stars.
Daddy Pig: I love camping, sleeping in the open air with the stars above me.
Daddy Pig: Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.
Narrator: It is morning.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, it was lovely and cosy in the tent. Oh, where’s Daddy?
Narrator: Daddy Pig has gone.
Mummy Pig: Poor Daddy Pig. He must have been cold and wet. And now where is he?
Mummy Pig: What’s that sound?
Peppa Pig: It sounds like snoring.
Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig!
Daddy Pig: What?
Peppa Pig: Daddy, you’re safe.
Daddy Pig: Of course I’m safe. I’m an expert at camping. I slept in the car.
Peppa Pig: Silly Daddy.
Daddy Pig: I love camping.
9. Gardening
Narrator: Peppa and George are playing at Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig’s house.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, catch.
Grandpa Pig: Ho-ho-ho-ho, catch.
Grandpa Pig: What’s this?
George: Dinosaur. Grrr.
Grandpa Pig: A dinosaur? Ho-ho-ho-ho.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, what are you doing?
Grandpa Pig: I’m planting these seeds.
Peppa Pig: Seeds? What are seeds for?
Grandpa Pig: Seeds grow into plants.
Grandpa Pig: I just dig a little hole and put the seed in. Then I cover it with earth and water it.
Grandpa Pig: Everything in my garden grows from tiny seeds like these.
Peppa Pig: Even the big apple tree?
Grandpa Pig: Oh, yes. These tiny seeds will grow into a little apple tree like this.
Peppa and George: Oo-oo-oo.
Grandpa Pig: And that little apple tree will grow into a big apple tree like this.
Grandpa Pig: Ouch!
Grandpa Pig: And inside this apple are more seeds.
Peppa Pig: To make more apple trees.
Grandpa Pig: Exactly.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, Grandpa, I want to plant a seed.
Grandpa Pig: Would you like to plant a strawberry seed?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please.
Grandpa Pig: This seed will grow into a lovely strawberry plant.
Grandpa Pig: I just make a little hole.
Peppa Pig: Then I put the seed in and cover it with earth.
Grandpa Pig: Shall I water it for you?
Peppa Pig: No, no. I want to water it.
Grandpa Pig: Good. Now we wait for it to grow.
Narrator: Peppa and George are waiting for the seed to grow.
Peppa Pig: It’s not doing anything.
Grandpa Pig: Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. You have to be patient, Peppa. It will take a long time to grow.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, it’s time to go home.
Peppa Pig: But we’re waiting for my strawberry plant to grow. I wanted strawberries for tea.
Grandpa Pig: Don’t worry, Peppa. Next time you come, the seed will have grown into a plant.
Peppa Pig: And we’ll have strawberries!
Grandpa Pig: Yes.
Mummy Pig: Come on, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Bye-bye, Grandpa. Bye-bye, strawberry.
Narrator: Grandpa Pig looks after Peppa’s strawberry plant. After many days Grandpa Pig finds a tiny plant growing. Day by day the plant grows bigger and bigger. Then, one day, Grandpa Pig finds something very special.
Grandpa Pig: Strawberries!
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, we’re back.
Narrator: Peppa and George have come to play again.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, Grandpa, did my plant grow?
Grandpa Pig: Yes, look.
Peppa Pig: Strawberries!
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Grandpa.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, can we plant something else?
Grandpa Pig: Yes, now it’s George’s turn to choose.
Peppa Pig: Yes, you choose, George. Choose...a carrot.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, I think George wants to grow carrots.
Grandpa Pig: George, would you like to grow a carrot?
George: No.
Grandpa Pig: What would you like to grow?
Narrator: George has thought of something he wants to grow.
George: Dinosaur.
Narrator: George wants to grow a dinosaur tree.
Peppa Pig: Silly George. Dinosaurs don’t grow on trees.
George: Dinosaur. Grrr.
10. Bicycles
Narrator: It is a lovely sunny day and Peppa and George are riding their bicycles.
Mummy Pig: That’s a fine pumpkin, Daddy Pig.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is very proud of his pumpkin.
Daddy Pig: Pumpkins are the only thing I can grow. Probably because I love pumpkin pie.
Peppa Pig: Come on, George. Danny! Suzy! Rebecca!
Narrator: Peppa and her friends, Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep and Rebecca Rabbit, are riding their bicycles. George is riding his tricycle.
Peppa Pig: He’s going so slowly.
Danny Dog: Let’s race to Daddy Pig’s pumpkin.
Peppa Pig: If we race to Daddy’s pumpkin, we have to be very careful not to bump into it. Daddy would be very sad if the pumpkin got broken.
Danny Dog: Don’t worry, Peppa. Race you.
Narrator: Peppa and her friends are racing to Daddy Pig’s pumpkin.
Daddy Pig: Hey, watch out for my pumpkin.
Danny Dog: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: Peppa, look out. Daddy’s pumpkin.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Daddy.
Peppa Pig: Look at George. He’s going so slowly. George is still riding a baby bike.
Danny Dog: Yours is a baby bike too, Peppa. You’ve still got stabilisers.
Rebecca Rabbit: I can ride without my stabilisers.
Suzy Sheep: Me too.
Danny Dog: And me.
Danny Dog: Let’s ride up the hill again. Are you coming, Peppa?
Peppa Pig: No, I think I’ll stay here.
Suzy Sheep: See you later.
Peppa Pig: Bye.
Narrator: Peppa wishes she did not have stabilisers on her bicycle.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, I don’t want stabiliers anymore.
Daddy Pig: Do you think you can ride without them?
Peppa Pig: Yes.
Daddy Pig: All right, Peppa. Let’s take them off.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is taking the stabilisers off Peppa’s bicycle.
Mummy Pig: Are you sure you want to ride without stabilisers?
Peppa Pig: Yes.
Mummy Pig: You’ve never done it before.
Peppa Pig: I can do it. I can, I can.
Peppa Pig: It’s not funny.
Narrator: Riding without stabilisers is not easy.
Daddy Pig: Would you like some help, Peppa?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: All right. Ready, steady, go.
Peppa Pig: Don’t let go, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry. I’ve got you.
Mummy Pig: You’re doing really well, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Hold on, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Just keep pedalling.
Narrator: Peppa is riding on her own without stabilisers.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, you let go.
Daddy Pig: You’ve been cycling on your own for ages.
Peppa Pig: Have I?
Mummy Pig: You’re really very good at it.
Peppa Pig: Am I?
Peppa Pig: Oh, I can do it. Look at me, look at me. I can ride my bike properly.
Peppa Pig: Danny, Suzy, Rebecca, look. I don’t need my stabilisers anymore. Look at me.
Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep, Rebecca Rabbit: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: Race you to Daddy’s pumpkin.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Daddy Pig: Peppa, look out! My pumpkin!
Peppa Pig: I’m going to win.
Narrator: Peppa is not looking where she is going.
Narrator: Oh, dear. Peppa has squashed Daddy Pig’s pumpkin.
Peppa Pig: Sorry I squashed your pumpkin, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Never mind the pumpkin. The important thing is that you are okay. In future you really must look where you’re going.
Peppa Pig: I promise I will, Daddy
Daddy Pig: Good. Anyway, now the pumpkin is broken, I can make it into pumpkin pie.
Peppa Pig: I love pumpkin pie.
Mummy Pig: And because Daddy Pig’s pumpkin is so big, there will be enough pumpkin pie for everyone.
11. The New Car
Narrator: Today Peppa and her family are going for a drive in their red car.
Daddy Pig: Shall we have the roof down?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please.
Narrator: Peppa and George love their car.
Daddy Pig: Is everybody ready?
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig: Ready.
Daddy Pig: Then let’s go.
Peppa Pig: I love our car.
Daddy Pig: And our car loves us, too. Don’t you?
Narrator: Oh, dear. The car does not sound very well.
Peppa Pig: What’s wrong, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: I don’t know.
Mummy Pig: Let’s take it to Granddad Dog’s garage. He can fix it.
Daddy Pig: That’s a good idea, Mummy Pig.
Narrator: Granddad Dog runs the garage. He is very good at mending cars.
Granddad Dog: Oh, dear, Daddy Pig. Your car does not seem very well.
Daddy Pig: Can you fix it please, Granddad Dog?
Granddad Dog: Yes, but it will take all day.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Oh.
Peppa Pig: We wanted to go for a drive in our car.
Granddad Dog: Don’t worry. You can borrow this new car while I fix yours.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: Thank you, Granddad Dog.
Granddad Dog: Would you like the roof down?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please.
Granddad Dog: I’ll just press this red button.
Narrator: What a clever car.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Wow.
Granddad Dog: When you come back, I will have fixed your car.
Daddy Pig: Thank you, Granddad Dog. Goodbye.
Mummy Pig: Goodbye.
Peppa Pig: Bye-bye.
Granddad Dog: Goodbye.
Narrator: Peppa and her family like the new blue car.
Daddy Pig: There’s so many buttons in this new car.
Peppa Pig: What does the green button do, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: Let’s see.
Peppa Pig: Magic windows.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, make the magic windows go down.
Peppa Pig: What does the blue button do?
Daddy Pig: I don’t know. Let’s see.
Peppa Pig: I love this new car. Can we keep it?
Mummy Pig: No, we can’t keep it, Peppa. We’ve only borrowed it for today.
Peppa Pig and George: Oh.
Mummy Pig: Oh, no. I think it’s going to rain.
Daddy Pig: Yes, I’ll just put the roof up.
Daddy Pig: Now, which is the button to close the roof?
Daddy Pig: Whoops. Silly me. Ah ha! This must be the button.
Narrator: The new car has squirted Daddy Pig with water.
Peppa Pig: Silly Daddy. That’s not the roof.
Daddy Pig: This button.
Daddy Pig: Whoops. Not that one.
Daddy Pig: This button.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has forgotten which button closes the roof.
Daddy Pig: I don’t think this car likes me.
Mummy Pig: Let’s try the red button.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: But now it’s stopped raining.
Peppa Pig: Can we open the roof again?
Daddy Pig: Yes. Which button was it?
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: The red one.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Hurrah!
Narrator: Granddad Dog has fixed the car.
Granddad Dog: Your car is fixed.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: Thank you, Granddad Dog. Keep the change.
Granddad Dog: Thank you, Daddy Pig.
Granddad Dog: Goodbye.
Daddy Pig: Goodbye.
Mummy Pig: Goodbye.
Peppa Pig: Bye-bye.
Daddy Pig: It’s good to get our old car back again.
Peppa Pig: I like the new car, but I like our old car better.
Daddy Pig: And I think our old car likes us too. Don’t you.
12. Snow
Narrator: Peppa and George are very excited today. It is snowing outside.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can we go and play in the snow?
Mummy Pig: Yes, but it’s very cold outside so you must wrap up warm.
Daddy Pig: And don’t forget to wear your hats and scarves and gloves.
Narrator: It is very cold outside. Peppa and George must wear their hats and scarves and gloves.
Peppa Pig: Come on, George.
Narrator: Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow.
Narrator: Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow.
Narrator: Oh dear.
Peppa Pig: It’s not funny.
Peppa Pig: George, let’s play snowballs.
Narrator: Peppa has made a snowball.
Narrator: Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.
Peppa Pig: George, come back, you little piggy.
Narrator: Oh dear. Maybe this game is getting a little too rough.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, George.
Peppa Pig: George, let’s build a snowman.
Narrator: Peppa and George are making a snowman. First they make a body.
Peppa Pig: George, this is the snowman’s body.
Narrator: Now they make the snowman’s head.
Peppa Pig: Now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth.
Narrator: George has found some sticks for the snowman’s arms.
Narrator: Peppa has found some stones for the snowman’s eyes and mouth.
Peppa Pig: This is his face.
Peppa Pig: Now the snowman needs a nose.
Narrator: Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman’s nose.
Narrator: The snowman looks very happy, but maybe he is a bit cold.
Peppa Pig: The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm.
Narrator: George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm.
Narrator: The snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Daddy, come and look.
Narrator: Mummy Pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.
Mummy Pig: That is the best snowman I have ever seen.
Narrator: Daddy Pig looks quite cold. He isn’t wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, why aren’t you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves?
Daddy Pig: I don’t know where they are. I can’t find them anywhere.
Mummy Pig: I think I know where Daddy’s hat, scarf and gloves are.
Narrator: Daddy Pig’s hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
13. Flying a Kite
Narrator: It is a bright sunny day. Peppa and her family are in the park. They are going to fly a kite.
Narrator: George is going to fly the kite first.
Narrator: George runs as fast as he can. But the kite won’t fly.
Peppa Pig: George, you’re doing it all wrong. You didn’t run fast enough. Now it’s my turn.
Narrator: Peppa runs as fast as she can. But the kite still won’t fly.
Daddy Pig: The kite won’t fly if there isn’t any wind, no matter how fast you run.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Mummy Pig: We just have to wait until the wind picks up a bit.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Peppa Pig: Look, it’s getting windy.
Narrator: Now that it is windy, the kite can fly.
Narrator: The wind is quite strong now.
Narrator: The wind is very strong now.
Peppa Pig: George!
Daddy Pig: Peppa!
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Daddy.
Narrator: Daddy Pig flies the kite.
Peppa Pig: Higher, higher.
Narrator: Daddy Pig flies the kite very well.
Peppa Pig and George: Wow!
Daddy Pig: Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things.
Mummy Pig: Watch out for the trees. You might get the kite stuck in one.
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.
Narrator: Oh dear. Daddy Pig has got the kite caught in a tree.
Daddy Pig: Oh no.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Mummy Pig: Don’t worry, George. Daddy will get the kite down.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: Uh, yes.
Daddy Pig: Careful. There’s a big muddy puddle.
Narrator: Peppa and George love to jump in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Can we jump in the puddle? Please.
Mummy Pig: No, I don’t want you covered in mud.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Daddy Pig: Stand back, children.
Mummy Pig: Please be careful, Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: I know what I’m doing.
Mummy Pig: Please be careful.
Peppa Pig: Just a bit further, Daddy.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, you are much too heavy for that branch.
Daddy Pig: Nonsense. I know exactly how heavy I am. There.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Narrator: Daddy Pig has rescued the kite.
Daddy Pig: Whoa!
Narrator: Oh dear. Everyone is covered in mud.
Daddy Pig: It’s only mud.
Narrator: Luckily, Daddy Pig hasn’t hurt himself.
Narrator: And the kite is out of the tree.
Mummy Pig and Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: Mummy, now that we’re all muddy, can we jump in the puddle?
Mummy Pig: I suppose so. After all, you can’t get any muddier. And I think Daddy Pig is going to be doing the washing.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Narrator: Peppa and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Mummy and Daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Jumping up and down in muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying the kite.
14. My Cousin Chloé
Narrator: Peppa and George are playing in the garden.
Peppa Pig: To me, George.
Peppa Pig: You threw the ball too hard, George. So the rules say I win.
Peppa Pig: Now it’s my turn.
Peppa Pig: I win again.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, today your big cousin Chloé is coming to visit.
Peppa Pig: Yipee, cousin Chloé!
Peppa Pig: George, Chloé’s a big girl like me. So don’t be sad if she finds you too little to play with.
Daddy Pig: I’m sure Chloé will play with both of you.
Peppa Pig: Chloé’s here.
Narrator: Auntie Pig has brought Chloé to spend the day at Peppa’s house. Chloé is Peppa and George’s cousin.
Narrator: Chloé is a bit older than Peppa and George.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Chloé.
Cousin Chloé: Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.
Daddy Pig: See you later.
Cousin Chloé: Do you want to play a game?
Peppa Pig: Yes, let’s play catch.
Narrator: Peppa loves playing catch.
Cousin Chloé: Do you still play catch? That’s a game for little children.
Peppa Pig: Oh. We only play catch because George likes it.
Cousin Chloé: OK, let’s play it for George. Do you play it with the proper rules or the baby rules?
Peppa Pig: Proper rules.
Cousin Chloé: I’ll start. Peppa, you’re “it.” Catch me if you can.
Narrator: Peppa is it. She has to chase Chloé and George.
Cousin Chloé: Can’t catch me.
Peppa Pig: George, I’m going to easily catch you. You’re so little.
Peppa Pig: That’s not fair. You’re helping George.
Cousin Chloé: That’s because he’s little. Do you want me to help you?
Peppa Pig: No. I don’t need help. I’m a big girl like you.
Cousin Chloé: Come on then, Peppa. Try and catch us.
Cousin Chloé: Can’t catch us.
Cousin Chloé: Can’t catch us.
Peppa Pig: This is a silly game. Can we play something else?
Cousin Chloé: OK, I know a really good game for big children. It’s called Sly Fox.
Peppa Pig: Sly Fox! I want to play Sly Fox. What is it?
Cousin Chloé: One person is the sly fox, and the others creep up on them.
Peppa Pig: Me, me! I want to be the sly fox.
Narrator: Peppa is the sly fox. While her back is turned, the others creep up on her. But if Peppa turns and sees someone move, they have to go back to the start.
Peppa Pig: George, I saw you move. Back to the start.
Cousin Chloé: Got you. I win.
Peppa Pig: You moved before I was ready.
Cousin Chloé: The rules say I can move when I like, don’t they, George?
Narrator: Now it’s Chloé’s turn to be the sly fox.
Narrator: Peppa and George must stay very still.
Cousin Chloé: Peppa, I saw you move. Back to the start.
Peppa Pig: It’s not fair. You looked too long.
Cousin Chloé: The rules say I can look as long as I want. Back to the start.
Narrator: George is the winner.
Peppa Pig: Can we play a different game?
Cousin Chloé: Yes, but as long as it’s a grown-up game.
Peppa Pig: I know. Let’s play my favourite game. It’s very grown-up.
Cousin Chloé: George, do you know what Peppa’s favourite game is?
Narrator: Peppa’s favourite game is jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: George, if you jump in puddles, you must wear your boots. I’ve brought some boots for you too, Chloé.
Cousin Chloé: I’m too grown-up to jump in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Oh. So am I.
Narrator: George loves jumping in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Secretly Peppa would love to jump in the puddle, but she wants to look grown-up.
Daddy Pig: I hear there’s some puddle jumping going on.
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig love jumping in muddy puddles.
Cousin Chloé: It does look fun.
Peppa Pig: Yes, it does.
Cousin Chloé: Maybe there’s a rule that says big girls can jump in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Yes, that’s a good rule.
Cousin Chloé: Race you.
Peppa Pig: Race you.
Narrator: Peppa and Chloé love jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Even grown-up girls.
15. Daddy Loses His Glasses
Narrator: Daddy Pig wears glasses. He needs to wear glasses to see clearly. When Daddy Pig wears his glasses, everything looks fine. But when Daddy Pig takes his glasses off, he can’t see things clearly. Everything looks a bit soft and fuzzy. So it is very important that Daddy Pig knows where his glasses are.
Narrator: Sometimes Daddy Pig loses his glasses.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, have you seen Daddy Pig’s glasses? He can’t find them anywhere.
Peppa Pig: No, Mummy.
Narrator: Peppa and George do not know where Daddy Pig’s glasses are.
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. Daddy Pig cannot see a thing without them. And it makes him very grumpy.
Narrator: Without his glasses on, Daddy Pig cannot read his newspaper.
Daddy Pig: This is ridiculous. I can’t see anything. Somebody must have put my glasses somewhere.
Mummy Pig: Do you remember where you last put them, Daddy Pig?
Daddy Pig: When I don’t wear them I always put them in my pocket. But they aren’t there now.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, can we help find your glasses?
Mummy Pig: Good idea, Peppa. If you find them, Daddy will stop being so grumpy.
Daddy Pig: I’m not grumpy.
Narrator: Peppa and George are looking for Daddy’s glasses.
Narrator: Peppa looks under the newspaper, but Daddy Pig’s glasses are not there.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Narrator: George looks on top of the television, but Daddy Pig’s glasses are not there.
George: Oh.
Peppa Pig: Let’s look upstairs in Mummy and Daddy’s bedroom.
Narrator: Peppa and George are looking in Mummy and Daddy Pig’s bedroom.
Peppa Pig: George, be careful not to knock anything over.
Peppa Pig: It’s not funny.
Narrator: Peppa looks under the pillows, but Daddy Pig’s glasses are not there.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Narrator: George looks in Daddy’s slippers, but the glasses are not there either.
Peppa Pig: Let’s look in the bathroom.
Narrator: Peppa and George are looking in the bathroom. The glasses are not in the bath.
George: Oh.
Narrator: The glasses are not in the toilet.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Peppa Pig: It’s too difficult.
Narrator: Peppa and George cannot find Daddy Pig’s glasses anywhere.
Peppa Pig: We’ve looked everywhere but we can’t find Daddy’s glasses.
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. Now what can we do?
Daddy Pig: I suppose I‘ll just have to learn to do without them. If I move slowly I won’t bump into things.
Peppa Pig: There they are. Daddy’s glasses.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig. You were sitting on them all the time.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Peppa Pig: Silly Daddy.
Daddy Pig: I don’t know how they got there.
Mummy Pig: I wonder how.
Mummy Pig: Well you may have been a bit silly, Daddy Pig, but at least you’re not grumpy anymore.
Daddy Pig: I was not grumpy.
16. Hiccups
Narrator: Peppa, George, Mummy and Daddy are having breakfast. It is a lovely sunny day, and Peppa and George can’t wait to go into the garden to play.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, please can we go out to play?
Mummy Pig: You can go out to play when you finish your breakfast.
Daddy Pig: George, don’t drink your juice too quickly.
Narrator: George drank his juice too quickly, and now he has hiccups.
Peppa Pig: Can we go out to play now, Mummy?
Mummy Pig: Not while George has hiccups.
Peppa Pig: But George’s hiccups have gone, Mummy. Haven’t they, George?
Mummy Pig: Oh, all right. You can go out and play. But look after George.
Narrator: Peppa and George love playing in the garden.
Peppa Pig: George, I’m going to throw the ball and then you have to catch it.
Peppa Pig: George, please stop hiccuping.
Peppa Pig: George!
Peppa Pig: Now you throw the ball to me and I have to catch it.
Peppa Pig: George!
Narrator: Oh, dear. George’s hiccups are spoiling the game.
Peppa Pig: George, I know how to cure hiccups. You have to do what I say.
Peppa Pig: Rub the top of your head and rub your tummy.
Peppa Pig: Good. Now your hiccups have gone.
Narrator: Peppa’s cure for hiccups doesn’t seem to have worked.
Peppa Pig: George, you’ve done it all wrong. I know a better way to cure hiccups. First, jump up and down three times on one leg.
Peppa Pig: Now wave your arms up and down and stick your tongue out.
Peppa Pig: And now close your eyes and turn around quickly three times.
Narrator: Peppa’s new cure hasn’t worked either. George still has hiccups.
Peppa Pig: I know. To cure hiccups the ill piggy must be given a shock. George, I’m going to scare you, but you must remember it’s only a game and it will stop your hiccups.
Peppa Pig: Remember, this is just pretend scaring.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, you mustn’t play so roughly with George. He’s only little.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy. I was just trying to stop George’s hiccups.
Narrator: George’s hiccups have gone.
Narrator: Here comes Daddy Pig with two beakers of juice.
Mummy Pig: George, if you drink too quickly you will get hiccups again.
Peppa Pig: I’m not as little as George. I can drink juice as quickly as I want to.
17. Picnic
Narrator: It is a lovely, bright, sunny day. Peppa and her family are going for a picnic. Daddy Pig is bringing the picnic basket.
Daddy Pig: Picnic basket, bread, cheese, tomatoes and lemonade. Is there anything we’ve forgotten?
Peppa Pig: Mummy’s strawberry cake.
Daddy Pig: I was just teasing. Mummy’s homemade strawberry cake is there too.
Daddy Pig: Is everybody ready?
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Ready.
Daddy Pig: Then let’s go.
Daddy Pig: This looks like just the spot for our picnic.
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: It’s great to be outdoors. We should run around a bit and get some exercise.
Mummy Pig: I want to eat, then have a nap. I certainly don’t want to run around.
Peppa Pig: Maybe Daddy should run around a bit. His tummy is quite big.
Daddy Pig: My tummy is not big. But later I will get some exercise. Even if no one else does.
Mummy Pig: Let’s eat.
Daddy Pig: Good idea, Mummy Pig. I’m really hungry.
Daddy Pig: Delicious.
Daddy Pig: Aah, I feel quite sleepy.
Mummy Pig: I thought you wanted to run around a bit, Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Later.
Peppa Pig: Look, there’s a little duck pond.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can we feed the ducks?
Mummy Pig: Yes, you can feed them the rest of the bread.
Narrator: Peppa and George love feeding bread to ducks.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, I think they want some more.
Mummy Pig: That was the last of the bread. I’m sure they’ve had enough.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mrs Duck. We’ve no more bread.
Narrator: The ducks want more food.
Mummy Pig: So much for Daddy Pig and his exercise.
Daddy Pig: What?
Mummy Pig: You lot again? Peppa told you; there’s no more bread.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, we do have strawberry cake.
Mummy Pig: Well, if there’s any cake left over you can give it to the ducks.
Narrator: Everybody likes Mummy Pig’s homemade strawberry cake.
Mummy Pig: A wasp! I hate wasps. Shoo!
Daddy Pig: What a fuss, Mummy Pig. It’s only a little wasp.
Mummy Pig: Go away, wasp.
Daddy Pig: Just stay still, Mummy Pig. Then it will fly away.
Daddy Pig: There, you see? All you had to do was stay still.
Daddy Pig: Get away. Scram.
Daddy Pig: Help!
Daddy Pig: Shoo! Get it off me.
Peppa Pig: I hope the wasp doesn’t sting daddy.
Daddy Pig: Oh, get away, you little pest.
Mummy Pig: No, Daddy Pig is running too fast for the wasp to catch him.
Peppa Pig: Let’s eat our cake before the wasp comes back.
Peppa Pig: Oh no, we forgot to leave any for the ducks.
Daddy Pig: I think I lost it.
Mummy Pig: You said you would run around and get some exercise, Daddy Pig, but I didn’t believe you’d do it.
Daddy Pig: Luckily, I managed to hang on to my slice of strawberry cake.
Peppa Pig: Stop, Daddy. We promised the rest of the cake for the ducks.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Peppa Pig: You’re very lucky ducks. Say thank you to Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: You’re most welcome.
Mummy Pig: It’s time to go home. Say goodbye to the ducks.
Peppa Pig: Bye-bye, ducks. See you next time.
18. Mummy Pig’s Birthday
Narrator: Today is Mummy Pig’s birthday. Daddy Pig has made Mummy Pig breakfast in bed.
Daddy Pig: Happy Birthday, Mummy Pig.
Narrator: Peppa and George have made Mummy Pig a birthday card.
Peppa Pig: Happy Birthday, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: Oh, what a lovely birthday surprise.
Daddy Pig: And there are more surprises to come. Enjoy your birthday breakfast. Take your time.
Mummy Pig: Mmm, yummy.
Daddy Pig: Quick, we have to get everything else ready.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has made a birthday cake for Mummy Pig.
Daddy Pig: We’ve just got to put the candles on. One, two...
Mummy Pig: Here I come.
Narrator: Mummy Pig has finished her birthday breakfast.
Peppa Pig: Mummy’s coming.
Daddy Pig: Oh, no. We’re not ready yet.
Daddy Pig: Who is it?
Mummy Pig: It’s Mummy. Can I come in?
Peppa Pig: No, no.
Mummy Pig: Is there something secret going on?
Daddy Pig: No. Nothing’s going on. But you can’t come in.
Mummy Pig: I see.
Daddy Pig: Mummy Pig, why don’t you relax in the sitting room?
Mummy Pig: That sounds nice.
Daddy Pig: Well, it is your birthday.
Mummy Pig: OK, Peppa. I think I know where the sitting room is.
Peppa Pig: Here’s a nice magazine.
Mummy Pig: Thank you, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: And here’s some pretty music.
Mummy Pig: Thank you, Peppa.
Daddy Pig: We need the same number of candles as Mummy’s age.
Peppa Pig: One, two, three.
Daddy Pig: Oh, dear. We haven’t got nearly enough candles.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, how old is Mummy?
Daddy Pig: I’ll whisper it in your ear.
Peppa Pig: Wow! Really old.
Daddy Pig: You know, I think three candles will be fine.
Narrator: Mummy Pig’s birthday cake is ready.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: We just have to put up the decorations in the sitting room.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: Ah, there you all are. I was getting a little bored.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, would you like to have a nice walk in the garden.
Mummy Pig: Do I have any choice?
Peppa Pig: Nope.
Peppa Pig: Bye-bye, Mummy. Have a lovely walk. We’ll call you when it’s safe to come back in.
Mummy Pig: I’d forgotten what hard work birthdays were.
Narrator: Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are decorating the sitting room.
Peppa Pig: This is fun.
Narrator: Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have arrived for Mummy Pig’s birthday.
Grandpa Pig: Happy Birthday, Mummy Pig.
Granny Pig: Aren’t you coming inside?
Mummy Pig: Oh, I can’t come in yet. Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are doing secret things for my birthday.
Granny Pig: How lovely. See you later.
Mummy Pig: Bye.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, would you like to come inside now?
Mummy Pig: I’d love to.
Peppa Pig: Close your eyes.
Peppa Pig: Keep your eyes closed, Mummy.
Daddy Pig: One, two, three, open your eyes.
Daddy Pig, Peppa, Grandpa Pig, Granny Pig: Happy Birthday, Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: What a lovely surprise.
Daddy Pig: Blow the candles out, and make a wish.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Mummy, open your present. Can you guess what it is?
Mummy Pig: I’ve no idea.
Daddy Pig: Open it and see.
Mummy Pig: It’s a beautiful dress.
Peppa Pig: You’re beautiful, Mummy.
Daddy Pig: Now you just need somewhere nice to wear it.
Mummy Pig: What’s this?
Daddy Pig: Two tickets to the theatre. Tonight.
Mummy Pig: Thank you.
Narrator: Mummy Pig loves going to the theatre.
Grandpa Pig: And Granny Pig and I are going to babysit the little ones.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: What a super birthday. I’m the luckiest mummy in the whole world.
Daddy Pig: And the most beautiful.
19. Dressing Up
Narrator: Peppa and George are playing in Mummy’s and Daddy’s bedroom.
Peppa Pig: What’s this?
Narrator: Peppa has found a box of old clothes.
Peppa Pig: Wow! This is Daddy’s hat. And this is Mummy’s dress.
Peppa Pig: George, let’s dress up and pretend to be Mummy and Daddy.
Peppa Pig: Here’s Daddy’s hat.
Peppa Pig: And here is Daddy’s coat.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Now it’s my turn.
Peppa Pig: This is Mummy’s dress.
Peppa Pig: This is Mummy’s hat.
Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig, where are your shoes?
Peppa Pig: I need some shoes too.
Peppa Pig: Now I need to look beautiful, just like Mummy.
Narrator: Peppa has found Mummy’s makeup box.
Peppa Pig: Aha!
Peppa Pig: First some powder.
Peppa Pig: Lovely.
Peppa Pig: Now for some lipstick.
Peppa Pig: What a pretty Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Come along, Daddy Pig. It’s time to go to work.
Narrator: Mummy Pig is working on her computer.
Mummy Pig: Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.
Peppa Pig: I beg your pardon.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, I was just saying hello.
Peppa Pig: I’m not Peppa Pig. I’m Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: Oh, yes, of course. Hello, Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Hello.
Peppa Pig: And this is Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: George.
Mummy Pig: And hello to you too, Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Excuse me. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
Peppa Pig: Hello. Yes. Do this. Do that. No, thank you. Goodbye.
Narrator: Peppa is enjoying pretending to be Mummy Pig. But George is getting a bit bored.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Daddy Pig. I’m nearly finished.
Peppa Pig: There, all done.
Peppa Pig: Come on, Daddy Pig. It’s time you did some work.
Mummy Pig: Goodbye, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Goodbye.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is digging in the garden.
Daddy Pig: Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.
Peppa Pig: I’m not Peppa. I’m Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig is here to do some work.
Daddy Pig: That’s very kind of you, Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Now be careful. It’s a very deep hole.
Peppa Pig: I hope you are not digging in your best clothes, Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: I want to make big snorts, too.
Mummy Pig: Ice cream, everyone.
Peppa Pig: Ice cream?
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, you must take off those muddy clothes before you eat.
Peppa Pig: I’m Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig.
Mummy Pig: Are you sure?
Peppa Pig: Yes.
Mummy Pig: So, where are Peppa and George?
Peppa Pig: We don’t know.
Mummy Pig: Oh, well that’s a shame, because I’ve got their favourite ice cream here. But if we can’t find them, then...
Peppa Pig: Here we are.
Mummy Pig: Peppa? George? There you are.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy. We were just pretending to be you and Daddy.
Daddy Pig: You really had us fooled.
20. The School Fete
Narrator: Today is the day of the school fete. Peppa loves coming to the fete. Here are Peppa's friends: Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony.
Peppa Pig: Hello, everyone.
Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, Pedro Pony: Hello, Peppa.
Suzy Sheep: I love the school fete.
Peppa Pig: Me too. What do you like best?
Suzy Sheep: The face painting.
Pedro Pony: I like the balloons.
Danny Dog: I like the bouncy castle the best.
Peppa Pig: I like everything.
Daddy Pig: A very good choice, Peppa.
Danny Dog: See you later, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: See you later.
Daddy Pig: George, what do you like best?
George: Dinosaur, grrr.
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. There aren’t any dinosaurs at the fete, George.
Daddy Pig: Maybe we can get you a dinosaur balloon.
Mummy Pig: Are you sure they have dinosaur balloons, Daddy Pig?
Daddy Pig: I’m certain of it.
Peppa Pig: Can George and I get our faces painted first?
Daddy Pig: Of course.
Narrator: Miss Rabbit has painted Peppa’s friends as tigers.
Miss Rabbit: There you are, Suzy. Now you look like a tiger.
Suzy Sheep: Thank you, Miss Rabbit.
Peppa Pig: Wow! I like your face, Suzy. Are you a pussy cat?
Suzy Sheep: No. I’m a tiger.
Miss Rabbit: Peppa, would you like your face painted?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please. Can I be...an elephant?
Miss Rabbit: Oh, dear. I don’t know how to do elephants. I can do tigers.
Peppa Pig: Yes, a tiger please.
Miss Rabbit: There you are, Peppa. Now you’re a tiger.
Peppa Pig: I’m a tiger.
Miss Rabbit: George, what would you like to be?
George: Dinosaur, grrr.
Miss Rabbit: A dinosaur? How about a tiger instead? I’m good at tigers.
Peppa Pig: I’m a tiger.
Danny Dog: So am I, woof-woof.
Candy Cat: Tigers don’t say “woof-woof.”
Danny Dog: How do you know?
Candy Cat: Because tigers are big cats, and I’m a cat.
Peppa Pig: Candy, please can you teach us how to be tigers?
Candy Cat: OK. Tigers creep very very slowly. And then they jump.
Candy Cat: Tigers like to lick themselves clean.
Candy Cat: But best of all, when tigers are happy they purr.
Mummy Pig: Hello, children. My goodness, you’re all tigers.
Candy Cat: And I’m teaching them to be proper tigers.
Mummy Pig: What do you little tigers want to do next?
George: Dinosaur.
Daddy Pig: That’s right. We have to find George a dinosaur balloon.
Mummy Pig: Let’s get you all balloons.
The Children: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: Hello, Madame Gazelle. We’d like some balloons, please.
Madame Gazelle: Certainly. I’ve got lots of different ones.
Peppa Pig: Can I have an elephant balloon, please?
Madame Gazelle: Here you are, Peppa.
Suzy Sheep: Can I have a kangaroo?
Danny Dog: A lion, please.
Rebecca Rabbit: A monkey, please.
Pedro Pony: A parrot, please.
Madame Gazelle: Yes, I’ve got all those.
Daddy Pig: Most important of all, we need a dinosaur balloon for George.
Madame Gazelle: Oh, dear. I do not seem to have any dinosaur balloons.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry, George. I’ve got an idea.
Daddy Pig: Could we have two of the long balloons, please?
Daddy Pig: Watch this, everybody.
Narrator: What is Daddy Pig doing with the balloons?
Daddy Pig: There. Can anyone guess what it is?
Suzy Sheep: Is it a kangaroo?
Daddy Pig: No, it’s a...
George: Dinosaur.
Daddy Pig:That’s right, a dinosaur.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has made a balloon dinosaur.
George: Grrr, dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: Now the bouncy castle.
Narrator: Peppa loves bouncing on the bouncy castle.
Narrator: Everyone loves bouncing on the bouncy castle.
Peppa Pig: This is the best school fete ever.
21. Musical Instruments
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have been tidying the house.
Daddy Pig: Mummy Pig and I found this old box in the attic.
Peppa Pig and George: Ooo!
Daddy Pig: Can anyone guess what’s inside?
Peppa Pig: Hmmm? Nope.
Mummy Pig: It’s full of musical instruments.
Peppa Pig and George: Wow!
Daddy Pig: They are a bit old and dusty.
Mummy Pig: This is the violin I used to play when I was little.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can you play your violin?
Mummy Pig: I haven’t played it for a long time.
Peppa Pig: Please, Mummy. Please play it.
Mummy Pig: I hope I haven’t forgotten how.
Daddy Pig: Bravo!
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can I play the violin?
Mummy Pig: Hold it like this.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy.
Daddy Pig and Mummy Pig: Oh!
Narrator: Oh, dear. I do not think it is meant to sound like that.
Narrator: George wants to try.
Peppa Pig: Hold it like this, George.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig and Peppa Pig: Oh!
Narrator: That does not sound quite right either.
Peppa Pig: The violin is too hard to play.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, maybe you’d do better with this tin drum.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Daddy.
Narrator: That sounds better. Peppa loves playing the drum.
Mummy Pig: Lovely.
Daddy Pig: Yes, it sounds very nice.
Mummy Pig: This is Daddy Pig’s old accordion.
Daddy Pig: I used to play this to Mummy Pig when we first met.
Mummy Pig: Oh, Daddy Pig. You remember this tune.
Narrator: George wants to play the accordion too.
Daddy Pig: Are you sure, George? The accordion is quite difficult.
Peppa Pig: George, the “accrodion” is almost as difficult to play as my drum.
Daddy Pig: Okay, George.
Narrator: Maybe George is a bit too little to play the accordion.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, what other instruments are in the box?
Daddy Pig: Just this horn.
Peppa Pig: Can I try?
Daddy Pig: You have to blow it very hard.
Narrator: That does not sound right.
Peppa Pig: It’s impossible.
Mummy Pig: I think I used to be able to play it.
Narrator: That really does not sound right.
Daddy Pig: Maybe it just needs someone big and strong like me.
Narrator: That does not sound right either.
Daddy Pig: Peppa’s right. It is impossible to play.
Mummy Pig: Never mind, Daddy Pig. Just stick to the accordion. You play it beautifully.
Daddy Pig: Well, I do play it quite nicely, even if I say so myself.
Mummy Pig: And I’ll play my violin.
Peppa Pig: And I’ll play my drum.
Narrator: Mummy Pig plays the violin.
Narrator: Daddy Pig plays the accordion.
Narrator: Peppa plays the drum.
Narrator: But what instrument will George play?
Narrator: George is blowing the horn.
Peppa Pig: Mummy couldn’t play the horn. And Daddy couldn’t play it. And even I couldn’t play it. But George can play it.
22. Babysitting
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are going out for the evening. Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are going to babysit.
Peppa Pig: Granny Pig! Grandpa Pig!
George: Gannie ‘ig! ‘Papa ‘ig!
Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones.
Grandpa Pig: Hello.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, into your beds, quick.
Daddy Pig: Good-night, my little piggies.
Mummy Pig: Good-night, sleep tight.
Peppa Pig: Good-night, Mummy. Good-night, Daddy.
Granny Pig: What little darlings.
Mummy Pig: Now go to sleep quickly.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy.
Granny Pig: So well-behaved.
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are leaving for their evening out.
Granny Pig: Peppa and George are so good. They just fell asleep when Mummy Pig told them to.
Grandpa Pig: This babysitting is easy.
Peppa Pig: George. George, are you awake?
Narrator: What strange noises.
Grandpa Pig: I wonder if we should check upstairs.
Granny Pig: Peppa, George, are you awake?
Granny Pig: Well, I never. Fast asleep.
Grandpa Pig: So, it wasn’t Peppa and George making all that noise.
Granny Pig: I can’t hear anything.
Grandpa Pig: I think they really have fallen asleep. Let’s watch some television.
TV Programme Host: Gardening. Today we are talking about roses.
Grandpa Pig: Oh, I love gardening programmes.
TV Programme Host: The kiftsgate is a particularly thorny rose. To prune it, start by lopping off the head, and then snip away the budding shoots.
Peppa Pig: Granny Pig.
Granny Pig: Peppa, George. You should be in bed asleep.
Peppa Pig: George and I aren’t sleepy at all. Can we watch TV with you?
Granny Pig: Well, I suppose watching a little TV might make you sleepy.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
TV Programme Host: Icelandic roses are a rare treat for the discerning horticulturist. But they are prone to lobbing in temperate habitats.
Peppa Pig: This programme is very boring.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa Pig, can we play that game where you throw us up and catch us?
Grandpa Pig: OK, but just one turn each.
Grandpa Pig: Whee! You seem heavier than before.
Grandpa Pig: Now it’s George’s turn.
Peppa Pig: My turn.
Peppa Pig: Higher, higher!
Granny Pig: Maybe Grandpa Pig is a bit tired.
Peppa Pig: I know. Granny Pig, let’s play catch.
Granny Pig: Uh...
Peppa Pig: You’re “it.” Catch us if you can.
Peppa Pig: Can’t catch me.
Granny Pig: I’m going to catch you.
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are back home.
Mummy Pig: I hope our little piggies are asleep.
Daddy Pig: Hello. Anyone here?
Daddy Pig: The little piggies are asleep and so are the big piggies.
23. New Shoes
Narrator: Peppa and George have been playing in the garden.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, where are your shoes?
Peppa Pig: Oh, I’ve lost them.
Mummy Pig: Well, I’m sure we can find them. Maybe we should try the garden.
Peppa Pig: Yes.
Narrator: Everyone is looking for Peppa’s shoes. Mummy Pig is looking in the flower bed. Peppa’s shoes are not there.
Mummy Pig: Oh.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is looking in the wheelbarrow. Peppa’s shoes are not there.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Narrator: Peppa and George look in the flowerpots. Peppa’s shoes are not there either.
George: Oh.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Daddy Pig: We’ve looked everywhere, but we can’t find Peppa’s shoes.
Narrator: Peppa’s shoes are lost.
Peppa Pig: Now I haven’t got any shoes to wear.
Mummy Pig: Poor Peppa. Your shoes were getting a bit old. We’ll buy you a new pair.
Peppa Pig: Can my new shoes be red, Mummy?
Mummy Pig: Of course they can.
Peppa Pig: George, I’m going to have new red shoes.
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Peppa are at Miss Rabbit’s shoe shop.
Mummy Pig: Hello, Miss Rabbit.
Miss Rabbit: Hello, Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: We would like to buy some new shoes for Peppa, please.
Peppa Pig: Red shoes.
Miss Rabbit: Oh, I’m sure we can find you lovely new shoes, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Red ones. Please.
Miss Rabbit: Of course. Red ones.
Peppa Pig: Wow! New red shoes!
Narrator: George and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.
Daddy Pig: Oh, well done, George.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, Daddy, look at my new shoes. They’re red!
Daddy Pig: I say. They are red.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, do you like my new shoes?
Mummy Pig: Yes, Peppa. They make you look very smart.
Peppa Pig: George, do you like my new shoes?
Narrator: Everyone likes Peppa’s new shoes.
Peppa Pig: I like my new shoes so much, I don’t want to ever take them off.
Narrator: It is bathtime. Peppa wants to keep her new shoes on, even for her bath.
Narrator: Peppa is in her pajamas. She still has her new shoes on.
Narrator: Peppa even wants to wear her new shoes in bed.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, are you sure you don’t want to take your shoes off?
Peppa Pig: I don’t want to ever take my new shoes off, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: Very well. Good-night, Peppa and George.
Peppa Pig: Good-night, Mummy. Good-night, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Good-night, my little piggies.
Narrator: It has been raining all night, and now the garden is very wet. Mummy Pig is wearing her boots. Daddy Pig is wearing his boots. George is wearing his boots. Peppa is still wearing her new red shoes.
Narrator: George is going to play in the wet grass.
Narrator: Oh, dear. Peppa loves playing in the wet grass, but she doesn’t want to get her new shoes wet.
Peppa Pig: I can’t play in the wet grass, George.
George: Oh.
Narrator: George loves jumping in muddy puddles. Peppa loves jumping in puddles, but she doesn’t want to get her new shoes muddy.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Narrator: Mummy and Daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone likes jumping in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Where is Peppa going?
Narrator: Peppa is putting on her boots.
Peppa Pig: If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.
24. Ballet Lessons
Narrator: Peppa is going to her first ballet lesson.
Narrator: This is Madame Gazelle, the ballet teacher.
Madame Gazelle: Aha, you must be young Peppa. I am Madame Gazelle.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Madame.
Madame Gazelle: Oh, so sweet. Welcome to your first lesson of the ballet.
Mummy Pig: I’ll pick you up later.
Peppa Pig: Bye-bye.
Mummy Pig: Enjoy yourself.
Narrator: Here are Peppa’s friends, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony.
Madame Gazelle: Children, today we have a new pupil, Peppa Pig. Now, Peppa, run and join your friends.
Peppa Pig: Hello, everyone.
Children: Hello, Peppa.
Madame Gazelle: We begin with demi-plie.
Madame Gazelle: Demi-plie.
Madame Gazelle: Now, a little jump. Petit-jete. With grace and beauty. Petit-jete. Grace and beauty. Petit-jete. Grace and beauty.
Narrator: The ballet lesson is a lot of fun.
Madame Gazelle: Raise your arms. Imagine that you are beautiful swans. And what noise do you think a swan might make?
Danny Dog: Bow-wow.
Suzy Sheep: Baa.
Candy Cat: Meow.
Pedro Pony: Neigh.
Peppa Pig: Oink.
Madame Gazelle: Grace and beauty.
Narrator: Peppa loves dancing. Everyone loves dancing.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Mummy, we all danced as swans.
Madame Gazelle: Peppa did very well.
Peppa Pig: I had to dance beautifully and gracefully.
Mummy Pig: That’s lovely.
Peppa Pig: Can I show you how I did it?
Mummy Pig: Let’s get home first. Then you can show Daddy Pig, George and me.
Peppa Pig: Bye-bye.
Narrator: Peppa and Mummy Pig are home.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, George, I’m going to show you how to do ballet.
Daddy Pig: Is it difficult?
Peppa Pig: It was easy for me, but you, George and Mummy will find it very hard. First, we need music.
Peppa Pig: Good. Now, George, Daddy and Mummy, you must copy what I do. Madame Gazelle used funny words, but really it’s just bending your knees and jumping.
Daddy Pig: Ah, the petit-jete.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, you know the funny words.
Daddy Pig: Mummy Pig and I used to be quite good at ballet.
Mummy Pig: Do be careful, Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Our favourite was the pas de deux. Hoopla!
Daddy Pig: That wasn’t quite how I remembered it.
Peppa Pig: Silly Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Maybe we should leave the ballet to Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Yes, I am the best at it.
Peppa Pig: I am a beautiful swan. Oink!
25. The Tooth Fairy
Narrator: Peppa and George are having their favourite food—spaghetti.
Daddy Pig: What a lot of noise.
Peppa Pig: Finished!
Mummy Pig: Now we’ll have a bit of quiet.
Peppa Pig: What’s that?
Daddy Pig: It’s a tooth.
Peppa Pig: Where did that come from?
Mummy Pig: Peppa, maybe you should look in the mirror.
Peppa Pig: Oh. It’s my tooth. It’s fallen out.
Mummy Pig: Don’t worry, Peppa. It’s just a milk tooth. They’re meant to fall out.
Peppa Pig: Will I grow a new one, Mummy?
Mummy Pig: Yes, you will, Peppa.
Mummy Pig: It also means the tooth fairy will be paying you a visit.
Peppa Pig: Tooth fairy?
Mummy Pig: Yes, the tooth fairy. If you put the tooth under your pillow tonight, the tooth fairy will come.
Mummy Pig: The tooth fairy will take the tooth and in its place she will leave a shiny coin.
Peppa Pig: When I grow up I want to be a tooth fairy.
Daddy Pig: And what would you like to be when you grow up, George?
George: Dinosaur.
Daddy Pig: A dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: Quick, George. It’s bedtime. We don’t want to miss the tooth fairy.
Narrator: Before going to bed, Peppa and George brush their teeth.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, what are you doing?
Peppa Pig: I’m brushing my tooth so it’s nice and clean for the tooth fairy.
Narrator: Peppa cannot wait to get into bed.
Narrator: Peppa is putting her tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy.
Mummy Pig: Good-night, Peppa and George.
Peppa Pig: Good-night, Mummy. Good-night, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Good-night, my little piggies.
Peppa Pig: George, I’m not going to sleep. Let’s both stay awake all night and see the tooth fairy.
Peppa Pig: This tooth fairy is very late.
Narrator: The tooth fairy is taking a long time to arrive.
Peppa Pig: Where is that tooth fairy?
Narrator: What is that noise? Is it the tooth fairy?
Peppa Pig: George? Can you hear something? Oh, George.
Narrator: Oh, the noise is George. He was so tired he has fallen asleep.
Peppa Pig: George is not very good at staying awake. But I am. I’m going to stay awake and see the tooth fairy. I’m not going to sleep.
Narrator: The tooth fairy has arrived. Peppa is asleep.
Tooth Fairy: Hello, Peppa. Would you like this coin in return for your tooth?
Tooth Fairy: What a nice clean tooth. Thank you, Peppa. Good-night.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, wake up. It’s morning.
Peppa Pig: What? I wasn’t asleep.
Daddy Pig: Did the tooth fairy come?
Peppa Pig: No.
Daddy Pig: Let’s take a look under your pillow.
Mummy Pig: Look, Peppa. The tooth fairy has been and she’s left you a coin.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: You fell asleep, didn’t you?
Peppa Pig: Well, maybe I fell asleep just for a little bit. Next time I will stay awake and I will see the tooth fairy.
26. Treasure Hunt
Narrator: Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Granny Pig is drawing the treasure map. Grandpa Pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden.
Granny Pig: Grandpa Pig, have you finished? Peppa and George will be here soon.
Grandpa Pig: No need to panic, Granny Pig.
Narrator: Peppa and her family are here.
Granny Pig: Quick, Grandpa Pig. They’re here.
Grandpa Pig: Almost done.
Narrator: Grandpa Pig just finished in time.
Peppa Pig: Granny Pig, we’re here!
George: Grankey ‘ig!
Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa Pig!
George: Grandpa ‘ig!
Grandpa Pig: Ahoy there, me hearties!
Granny Pig: Peppa, George, we’ve made you a treasure hunt.
Grandpa Pig: Somewhere in the garden is buried treasure.
Peppa Pig: Wow, treasure! Where is it?
Grandpa Pig: You have to look for it.
Granny Pig: Here’s a treasure map for Peppa.
Grandpa Pig: And George can wear my pirate hat. Ahoy there, Captain George.
Peppa Pig: The map is a bit difficult. Daddy, can you help?
Daddy Pig: Of course, Peppa. I’m very good with maps. It is a bit difficult.
Granny Pig: Daddy Pig, you’re holding the map upside down.
Daddy Pig: Yes, I thought as much.
Peppa Pig: It’s easy! The red cross shows where the treasure is.
Daddy Pig: But where in the garden are those two apple trees?
Peppa Pig: Hmmm, I don’t know.
Granny Pig: Would you like a clue?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please.
Granny Pig: The first clue is in a bottle. But where is the bottle?
Peppa Pig: I can see it.
Narrator: Peppa has found the first clue—a message in a bottle.
Peppa Pig: Look, everyone! It’s a bottle!
Grandpa Pig: Well done, Peppa. Let’s see what the message says. Oh, it’s a message from a pirate.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can you read the pirate’s message?
Mummy Pig: Hmmm, this pirate has very bad handwriting.
Grandpa Pig: The pirate’s handwriting is excellent.
Mummy Pig: No, I can’t make it out at all.
Grandpa Pig: The pirate has clearly written: “Follow the arrows.”
Peppa Pig: Follow the arrows?
Narrator: George has found the second clue—sticks in the shape of an arrow.
Peppa Pig: Look, they point this way.
Narrator: Peppa and George are following the arrows.
Peppa Pig: Look, George, a key!
Narrator: Peppa has found the next clue—a key.
Granny Pig: Well done, Peppa. Now you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks.
Peppa Pig: But there aren’t any more clues.
Granny Pig: Maybe you should take another look at the map. Look, Peppa. The map has two apple trees on it.
Peppa Pig: Here’s an apple tree. And here’s an apple tree. So the treasure must be here.
Daddy Pig: Let’s take a look.
Daddy Pig: Oh, dear. There doesn’t seem to be anything here.
Daddy Pig: Hang on. There is something here.
Peppa Pig: Wow, treasure!
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Grandpa Pig, Granny Pig: Hurrah!
Grandpa Pig: Well done.
Peppa Pig: I’ve got the key to open it.
Daddy Pig: Wow, I can’t believe it! Gold coins! They must be worth a fortune.
Grandpa Pig: It’s better than that. They’re not gold coins. They’re chocolate coins.
Granny Pig: And there’s a chocolate coin for everybody.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Grandpa Pig, Granny Pig, Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Narrator: Peppa and George love chocolate coins.
Narrator: Everyone loves chocolate coins.
Peppa Pig: Granny, Grandpa, this is the best treasure hunt ever.
27. Not Very Well
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have just made breakfast for Peppa and George.
Daddy Pig: Breakfast is ready.
Narrator: Peppa has red spots on her face.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, I don’t feel very well.
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear, Peppa. You don’t look very well.
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry. I’ll ring Dr. Brown Bear.
Dr. Brown Bear: Dr. Brown Bear speaking.
Daddy Pig: Peppa is not very well. Her face is covered in red spots.
Dr. Brown Bear: Hmmm. Put Peppa to bed and I’ll come straight round.
Narrator: Dr. Brown Bear has come to make Peppa better.
Dr. Brown Bear: Hello, Peppa. How are you today?
Peppa Pig: I’m not very well.
Dr. Brown Bear: Stick your tongue out, please.
Dr. Brown Bear: Hmm. It’s not anything serious. Peppa has just got a rash.
Peppa Pig: Do I need medicine?
Dr. Brown Bear: The rash will clear up quickly, but if you like I can give you just a little medicine.
Peppa Pig: Yes, please.
Dr. Brown Bear: I’m afraid it doesn’t taste very nice. Open wide, please.
Peppa Pig: Yuck! Disgusting!
Dr. Brown Bear: You are a brave little one for taking it so well.
Dr. Brown Bear: Peppa must stay in bed. I’ll call back later to check that she’s better.
Mummy Pig: Can Peppa have visitors?
Dr. Brown Bear: Oh, yes, she can have visitors. The rash isn’t catching. Goodbye.
Daddy Pig: Goodbye, Dr. Brown Bear.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can I get up now?
Mummy Pig: Dr. Brown Bear says that you must stay in bed for a little bit, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Oh. But it’s so boring.
Mummy Pig: Dr. Brown Bear did say you could have visitors.
Peppa Pig: Could Suzy Sheep visit me?
Narrator: Suzy Sheep is Peppa’s best friend.
Mummy Pig: I’ll ring Suzy Sheep’s mummy.
Mrs Sheep: Hello, Mrs Pig.
Mummy Pig: May Peppa talk with Suzy, please?
Peppa Pig: Hello, Suzy.
Suzy Sheep: Hello, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: I’m not very well. I have red spots on my face.
Suzy Sheep: Has the doctor been?
Peppa Pig: Yes, Dr. Brown Bear was here. He said I wasn’t very well and that I was very brave.
Suzy Sheep: So are you really ill?
Peppa Pig: Yes, yes. It’s not pretend. I have to stay in bed. Dr. Brown Bear gave me medicine that tasted really horrible.
Suzy Sheep: I’m coming to see you. I’m going to wear my nurse’s outfit.
Narrator: Suzy Sheep has come to see Peppa. Suzy is wearing her nurse’s costume. Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit have come along too.
Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit: Hello, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Hello.
Suzy Sheep: How do you feel?
Peppa Pig: I’m not very well, Suzy. I have to stay in bed.
Suzy Sheep: What can we do to make you better?
Peppa Pig: You can get me some orange juice.
Suzy Sheep: Okay.
Narrator: Peppa seems to be quite enjoying herself.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Suzy.
Suzy Sheep: Do you feel any better?
Peppa Pig: A little bit.
Peppa Pig: Danny, ask my mummy if I could have some ice cream. And Rebecca, could you bring me some flowers from the garden?
Narrator: Dr. Brown Bear is here to see whether Peppa is better.
Dr. Brown Bear: Ah, good. The nurse is already here. How is the patient?
Suzy Sheep: I’m not a real nurse. It’s just pretend.
Dr. Brown Bear: I see. Would you like me to take a look myself?
Suzy Sheep: Yes, please.
Dr. Brown Bear: I say! No more red spots! You’re completely better.
Peppa Pig: Aren’t I still a bit ill?
Dr. Brown Bear: How do you feel?
Peppa Pig: I think I should stay in bed a little bit more.
Daddy Pig: I fancy a game with this ball in the garden. Who wants to join me?
Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit: Me, me, me!
Peppa Pig: Me too!
Dr. Brown Bear: Well, I never. A complete recovery.
28. Windy Castle
Narrator: Peppa and her family are going out for the day.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, George, today we’re going to Windy Castle.
Peppa Pig: What’s Windy Castle, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: It’s a castle on a very high hill.
Narrator: George likes castles.
Peppa Pig: Windy Castle sounds like a boring thing, for boys.
Daddy Pig: No, Peppa. You’ll love it. There’s a great view from the top of Windy Castle. You can even see Granny and Grandpa’s house.
Peppa Pig: Wow! Let’s go.
Daddy Pig: I’ll map read and Mummy Pig will drive.
Mummy Pig: Are you sure, Daddy Pig? When you map read we always get lost and you get grumpy.
Daddy Pig: We will not get lost. And I will not get grumpy.
Mummy Pig: Windy Castle, here we come.
Peppa Pig: Are we nearly there yet?
Daddy Pig: Not quite.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Daddy Pig: Would you like to play a game?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please. Let’s play I Spy.
Daddy Pig: OK. I’ll go first.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has to secretly look at something and the others have to guess what it is.
Daddy Pig: I spy with my little eye something coloured red.
Peppa Pig: Red. My dress. That’s red.
Daddy Pig: No, it’s not your dress.
Peppa Pig: Hmm? The car.
Daddy Pig: That’s right, our red car.
Peppa Pig: My go. I spy with my little eye something blue.
Daddy Pig: Hmm. George’s blue shirt.
Peppa Pig: No.
Mummy Pig: Is it something in the car?
Peppa Pig: No. Give up?
Daddy Pig: Yes.
Peppa Pig: The sky. The blue sky. I win.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, do you know where we are?
Daddy Pig: I know exactly where we are. Although, this road doesn’t look the same as it does on this map.
Mummy Pig: Oh, Daddy Pig. We’re lost.
Daddy Pig: We are not lost.
Mummy Pig: So how do we get to Windy Castle from here?
Daddy Pig: Just give me a moment. Hmm.
Mummy Pig: I know. We can ring Granny and Grandpa.
Daddy Pig: There’s no need to ring Granny and Grandpa. I’ll get us to Windy Castle if it takes me all day.
Mummy Pig: We haven’t got all day.
Grandpa Pig: Hello, Grandpa Pig speaking.
Mummy Pig: Grandpa Pig, we’ve got a bit lost on the way to Windy Castle.
Grandpa Pig: Is Daddy Pig doing the map reading?
Mummy Pig: Yes, Daddy Pig is doing the map reading and he’s a bit grumpy at the moment.
Daddy Pig: I am not grumpy.
Grandpa Pig: This is the best route. Keep on the main road until you see Windy Castle up ahead.
Mummy Pig: Thank you, Grandpa Pig.
Mummy Pig: We follow the main road and look out for Windy Castle.
Daddy Pig: As I thought.
Peppa Pig: Look. Is that a castle?
Daddy Pig: Yes. It’s Windy Castle.
Mummy Pig: Come on, car.
Peppa Pig: Go on, car. You can make it.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Narrator: Peppa and her family have arrived at Windy Castle.
Peppa Pig: Wow, it’s so tall.
Daddy Pig: Let’s go inside. The view from the top is fantastic.
Peppa Pig: Wow!
Mummy Pig: Look at the view.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, is that Granny and Grandpa’s house?
Mummy Pig: Yes, it is.
Peppa Pig: It’s so far away.
Daddy Pig: Let’s take a look through the telescope.
Peppa Pig: Can I look first, please?
Daddy Pig: Yes, but you must let George look next.
Peppa Pig: Wow!
Narrator: The telescope makes everything look bigger.
Peppa Pig: I can see Granny and Grandpa.
Peppa Pig: Look, George.
George: Dankey ‘ig, Papa ‘ig.
Narrator: George is waving at Granny and Grandpa.
Peppa Pig: Silly George. Granny and Grandpa are too far away to see you waving.
Mummy Pig: I know. We can ring them.
Grandpa Pig: Hello.
Mummy Pig: Grandpa Pig, we can see you from Windy Castle. Wave at us.
Peppa Pig: Granny and Grandpa are waving at us.
Peppa Pig: I love Windy Castle.
29. Pancakes
Narrator: It is teatime and Mummy Pig has a surprise for everyone.
Mummy Pig: Today is a day for pancakes.
Daddy Pig: Pancakes. Delicious.
Peppa Pig: I love pancakes.
Narrator: Everyone loves pancakes.
Daddy Pig: I’m the expert at flipping the pancakes over. Leave that to me.
Mummy Pig: Are you sure, Daddy Pig? Last time you got a bit grumpy when you dropped the pancake on the floor.
Daddy Pig: I did not get grumpy. There was a problem with the frying pan.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can we help make the pancakes, please?
Mummy Pig: Yes, you can help me make the batter.
Mummy Pig: First, I put some flour in the bowl.
Peppa Pig and George: Oo-oo.
Mummy Pig: Now I add an egg.
Mummy Pig: Now the milk.
Mummy Pig: And I give it all a stir.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can I stir?
Mummy Pig: Yes, of course, Peppa.
Narrator: Peppa loves stirring.
Narrator: George wants to stir as well.
Peppa Pig: No, George. Like this.
Mummy Pig: Okay, that’s enough stirring. You two sit at the table while I cook the pancakes.
Narrator: Mummy Pig is going to flip the pancake over.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: You could flip it higher, Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: You can show us how when you flip your own pancake, Daddy Pig.
Narrator: This first pancake is for George.
Narrator: Mummy Pig pours a little syrup on George’s pancake.
Narrator: Delicious.
Narrator: This pancake is for Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: Hmm. You could flip it higher, Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: You will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake, Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Syrup please.
Peppa Pig: Mmm, delicious.
Narrator: This pancake is for Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: You still aren’t flipping them high enough, Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: The next pancake is yours, Daddy Pig. So now you can show us how it should be done.
Mummy Pig: Mmm, delicious.
Daddy Pig: Is everyone watching?
Daddy Pig: The secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air.
Daddy Pig: A-one, two, three, hoopla!
Peppa Pig: Silly Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Oh, maybe that was just a bit too high.
Mummy Pig: What a shame. That was the last pancake.
Daddy Pig: It should be a simple matter to get it down.
Narrator: Oh dear. Daddy Pig cannot reach his pancake.
Mummy Pig: Don’t worry, Daddy Pig. I think I know a way to get it down.
Mummy Pig: Let’s go upstairs, children.
Mummy Pig: This way.
Narrator: What is Mummy Pig planning to do?
Mummy Pig: On the count of three we all have to start jumping up and down. One, two, three, jump!
Daddy Pig: What are they doing?
Narrator: It worked! Now Daddy Pig has his pancake.
Peppa Pig: Daddy has a pancake on his head.
Mummy Pig: Syrup on your pancake, Daddy Pig?
Daddy Pig: Yes, please.
Daddy Pig: One, two, three, hoopla!
Daddy Pig: Delicious.
Peppa Pig: Silly daddy.
30. The Museum
Narrator: Peppa and her family are going to the museum.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, what is a museum?
Daddy Pig: It’s a place full of interesting things that are very old.
Peppa Pig: Older than you?
Daddy Pig: Yes, even older than me.
Peppa Pig and George: Oo-oo.
Peppa Pig: Really old.
Mummy Pig: There’s one room that is full of things that belonged to kings and queens from long ago.
Peppa Pig: I want to see the king and queen’s room.
Daddy Pig: And there’s another room with a real dinosaur.
George: Wow, dinosaur, grr!
Miss Rabbit: Hello, Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: Hello, Miss Rabbit.
Miss Rabbit: How many tickets, please?
Mummy Pig: Two adults and two children.
George: Dinosaur, grr.
Miss Rabbit: And a dinosaur.
Narrator: Peppa wants to see the room full of things that belonged to kings and queens from long ago.
Peppa Pig: Wow!
George: Dinosaur?
Narrator: But George wants to see the real dinosaur.
Mummy Pig: Don’t worry, George. We will see the dinosaur next.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, these are all the things that the queen had a long time ago.
Mummy Pig: This is the queen’s special chair. It’s called a throne.
Peppa Pig: It’s beautiful.
Mummy Pig: This is the queen’s dress.
Peppa Pig: It’s so pretty.
Mummy Pig: Look, Peppa. This is the queen’s golden crown.
Peppa Pig: Wow! What lovely things.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, where is the queen’s television?
Mummy Pig: They didn’t have television then.
Peppa Pig: No television? But they did have computers.
Mummy Pig: No, they didn’t have computers either.
Peppa Pig: What did they do all day?
Peppa Pig: Mummy, if I was the queen I would eat as much cake as I wanted.
Narrator: Peppa imagines being a queen.
Peppa Pig: Mmm, delicious.
Mummy Pig: Is there anything else you would care for, Queen Peppa?
Peppa Pig: Yes, more cake, please.
Mummy Pig: Of course.
Daddy Pig: Come on, everyone.
Peppa Pig: Coming, Daddy.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, I’m Queen Peppa.
Peppa Pig: You must bow when you speak to me.
Daddy Pig: Oh, I’m most terribly sorry, your royal highness.
Peppa Pig: And what do you do?
Daddy Pig: I’m your daddy.
Peppa Pig: That must be very interesting.
Daddy Pig: Yes, it’s very interesting.
Peppa Pig: And what room is this?
Daddy Pig: This is the dinosaur room.
Peppa Pig: The dinosaur room?
Peppa Pig: George, this is the dinosaur room.
George: Dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: Where is the dinosaur?
Daddy Pig: He’s somewhere in the room.
Peppa Pig: I can’t see him. He must be very small.
Daddy Pig: Actually, Peppa, he’s very big.
Peppa Pig: Wow!
Daddy Pig: These are the bones of a real dinosaur.
George: Dinosaur, grr.
Narrator: George imagines being a big dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: It’s a dinosaur! Help, help!
Mummy Pig: The dinosaur room is George’s favourite room.
Peppa Pig: My favourite room is the king and queen’s room.
Mummy Pig: And it looks as if Daddy Pig is already in his favourite room.
Peppa Pig: Which room is that, Mummy?
Mummy Pig: The room with the cakes in.
Narrator: Daddy Pig’s favourite room is the museum cafe.
Daddy Pig: Come on, tuck in.
Peppa Pig: Oh, yes. This is a very nice room.
31. Secrets
Narrator: Mummy Pig has made a special box for Peppa.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, this box is just for you.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: It’s a secret box for you to keep secret things in.
Peppa Pig: What things can I put in it, Mummy?
Mummy Pig: Only you can decide that, Peppa. It’s your secret box.
Peppa Pig: I know what I can put in it.
Mummy Pig: Good, but don’t tell me.
Peppa Pig: I won’t tell you or George or Daddy. It’s a secret.
Peppa Pig: George, this is my secret box. It’s empty. I have to find some things to put inside.
Narrator: George wants to help Peppa.
Peppa Pig: No, George. Only I must know what’s in the box.
Peppa Pig: You have to wait outside while I choose.
Narrator: Peppa is going to choose some secret things to put in the box.
Peppa Pig: Now my secret box is full.
Peppa Pig: George, you must not look inside.
Narrator: George would like to know what is inside Peppa’s secret box.
Peppa Pig: If you like you can try to guess.
George: Dinosaur.
Narrator: George thinks Peppa has put a dinosaur in the box.
Peppa Pig: Oh, George, you always say dinosaur for everything.
Peppa Pig: Anyway, a dinosaur is too big to fit in the box.
Narrator: George cannot guess what is in Peppa’s secret box.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is cleaning a picture.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, this is my secret box. Mummy made it for me.
Daddy Pig: It’s very nice, Peppa. What’s inside?
Peppa Pig: It’s a secret. George tried to guess but he didn’t get it right.
Daddy Pig: Can I have a try?
Peppa Pig: Yes.
Daddy Pig: Hmm, have you put my glasses inside?
Peppa Pig: No. Your glasses are on your head.
Daddy Pig: So they are.
Peppa Pig: Silly Daddy. You must have a proper guess.
Daddy Pig: OK. Have you put Mummy’s shoes in the box?
Peppa Pig: Nope. And that’s all your guesses used up.
Narrator: Peppa likes secrets.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, no one knows what’s in my box.
Peppa Pig: Oh, what has George got?
Mummy Pig: I made a box for George too, and he’s filled it with secret things. And only George knows what’s inside.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Narrator: Peppa would like to know what is inside George’s box.
Peppa Pig: It’s George’s toy dinosaur, of course.
George: No.
Narrator: George’s toy dinosaur is not in George’s box.
Peppa Pig: It’s too difficult! I’ll never guess.
Narrator: Peppa does not like secrets as much as she used to.
Mummy Pig: Maybe if you show George one thing from your box, then he could show you one thing from his.
Peppa Pig: OK. But we must do it at the same time.
Daddy Pig: That’s a good idea. On the count of three you each show what’s in your boxes. Ready?
Peppa Pig: Yes.
Daddy Pig: One, two, three!
Narrator: George has a drum.
Narrator: And Peppa has a trumpet.
Mummy Pig: Lovely!
Daddy Pig: Yes, it sounds very nice.
Daddy Pig: Do you have any more secret things?
Narrator: George has a custard doughnut.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Narrator: Peppa’s box is empty.
Peppa Pig: I’ve got nothing else.
Mummy Pig: Luckily, I have. Come on, tuck in.
Narrator: George, Peppa, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig all like custard doughnuts.
Daddy Pig: I don’t have a special box. But I know a very good place to hide my custard doughnut. Can you guess where?
Peppa Pig: Hmm, are you going to hide it in the fridge?
Daddy Pig: No, somewhere much more special. My tummy.
Daddy Pig: Mmm, delicious.
Peppa Pig: I’m going to hide mine in my tummy.
Mummy Pig: Me too.
32. Thunderstorm
Narrator: It is a lovely sunny day. Peppa and George are having a picnic.
Peppa Pig: Here’s some orange juice for you, Teddy.
Peppa Pig: What do you say?
Peppa Pig: (as Teddy) Thank you very much, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: You’re very welcome, Teddy.
Peppa Pig: Here’s some orange juice for you, Mr Dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: And what do you say?
George: (as Mr Dinosaur) Grrr.
Peppa Pig: You’re very welcome, Mr Dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: Would Teddy or Mr Dinosaur like a cookie?
Peppa Pig: (as Teddy) We’re not very hungry, so Peppa and George can eat all the cookies.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Teddy.
Narrator: What was that strange noise?
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, quick! Come inside the house.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, there was a loud bang sound.
Mummy Pig: It’s thunder, Peppa. It means there will be a thunderstorm with lots of rain.
Mummy Pig: Quick, into the house before the rain starts.
Daddy Pig: No need to panic. The rain is still a long way off.
Narrator: The sky is getting darker and darker. There is going to be a thunderstorm.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, did you bring all your toys in from the garden?
George: Dinosaur.
Mummy Pig: Good, Mr Dinosaur is safe.
Peppa Pig: Teddy! I left Teddy in the garden! He’ll get wet!
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry, Peppa. Daddy Pig will rescue Teddy.
Mummy Pig: You’d better hurry, Daddy Pig. It’s just about to rain.
Daddy Pig: I know all about thunderstorms. It won’t rain for ages.
Daddy Pig: As I thought. Plenty of time before it rains.
Peppa Pig: Poor Teddy. He’s soaking wet.
Mummy Pig: Yes, poor Teddy. Let’s get him dry.
Peppa Pig: Poor Teddy.
Mummy Pig: There you are, Teddy. All dry.
Daddy Pig: Achoo! What about poor Daddy? I’m soaking wet too.
Mummy Pig: Oh, sorry, Daddy Pig. Let’s get you dry.
Mummy Pig: There you are, Daddy Pig. Nice and dry.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Peppa Pig: The rain is coming in the house.
Peppa Pig: The floor is getting wet.
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. What can we do, Daddy Pig?
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is using a bucket to catch the drips.
Mummy Pig: Well done, Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Easy as pie.
Daddy Pig: What?
Mummy Pig: Quick! Find something else to catch the water.
Daddy Pig: Well done, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Easy as pie.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, the thunderbangs are very loud.
Daddy Pig: It’s okay, children. Don’t be frightened.
Mummy Pig: Let’s count between each flash and bang.
Daddy Pig: The higher we can count, the further away the thunderstorm is.
Mummy Pig: One, two, three...
Daddy Pig: That’s three.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: One, two, three, four, five...
Daddy Pig: That’s five! The thunderstorm is going away.
Mummy Pig: The thunderstorm is over.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Hurrah!
Narrator: The thunderstorm has filled the garden with muddy puddles.
Narrator: Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Narrator: Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: I love thunderstorms. They make muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Splish, splash, splosh, splosh.
33. Piggy in the Middle
Narrator: George is playing with his ball in the garden.
Narrator: Peppa wants to play, too.
Peppa Pig: George, you’re doing it all wrong.
Peppa Pig: This is how to catch a ball.
Peppa Pig: Not like this.
Peppa Pig: That’s what you do.
Narrator: What a cheeky little one Peppa is.
Peppa Pig: George, come back, you little piggy.
Narrator: Maybe Peppa is teasing George just a bit too much.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, have you been teasing George?
Peppa Pig: Not really, Mummy. I was teaching him how to catch.
Mummy Pig: Really? Well I know a game that will teach George how to catch. It’s called Piggy in the Middle.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, you take the ball and stand over there. And George, you stand over there.
Mummy Pig: Good. You have to throw the ball to each other, and I have to try and catch it. I’m the piggy in the middle.
Peppa Pig: Mummy is the piggy in the middle.
Peppa Pig: Catch, George.
Mummy Pig: Oh, missed it.
Narrator: George has caught the ball.
Mummy Pig and Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: Well done, George. Now you throw the ball to Peppa.
Mummy Pig: Oop, try again.
Mummy Pig: Oh, try again.
Narrator: George cannot throw the ball past Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Come on, George. Give the ball to me.
Peppa Pig: Silly George. I can do that too.
Narrator: Peppa wanted to copy George, but she’s too big and has got stuck.
Mummy Pig: I’ve got the ball. Peppa, now it’s your turn to be piggy.
Mummy Pig: George, catch.
Mummy Pig and Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: Caught it. George, you’re the piggy.
Peppa Pig: George, catch.
Mummy Pig: Catch the ball, George.
Peppa Pig: Catch, George.
Mummy Pig: George, catch.
Peppa Pig: Here’s the ball, George.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. Peppa, you shouldn’t tease George like that.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, George.
Daddy Pig: What’s all the noise?
Peppa Pig: Daddy, George is too little to play Piggy in the Middle.
Daddy Pig: Oh, I’m sure he’s big enough.
Peppa Pig: No, he isn’t, Daddy. Watch.
Daddy Pig: Catch it, George.
Daddy Pig and Mummy Pig: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: That’s not fair.
Daddy Pig: Yes it is. I just gave George a helping hand.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can I have a helping hand?
Mummy Pig: Of course you can, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: To me, George!
Peppa Pig: Catch, George.
Narrator: Peppa loves catching the ball.
Narrator: George loves catching the ball.
Narrator: Everyone loves catching the ball.
34. Fancy Dress Party
Narrator: Peppa and George are having a fancy dress party. All their friends are invited. Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess. And George is dressed as a dinosaur.
George: Grrr, dinosaur.
Narrator: Here are Peppa’s friends, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony.
Narrator: Suzy is wearing her nurse’s costume.
Daddy Pig: Hello, Suzy.
Suzy Sheep: Hello, Mr Pig.
Daddy Pig: I’m glad the nurse has arrived. Have you just come from the hospital?
Suzy Sheep: I’m not a real nurse. It’s just pretend.
Daddy Pig: Very good. My my, who have we here?
Danny Dog: I’m a pirate. Shiver me timbers.
Candy Cat: I’m a witch. I can turn you into a frog.
Pedro Pony: I’m a clown.
Daddy Pig: That’s funny.
Daddy Pig: What are you, Rebecca Rabbit?
Rebecca Rabbit: I’m a carrot.
Daddy Pig: Fantastic. Come in. There’s a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you.
Peppa Pig: Hello, everyone.
Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Candy Cat, Pedro Pony, Rebecca Rabbit: Hello, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Suzy. I’m princess Peppa. You must bow when you speak to me.
Suzy Sheep: Hello, your majesty. I’m nurse Suzy. Open wide and say, “Aah.”
Peppa Pig: Aah.
Pedro Pony: I’m a clown.
Rebecca Rabbit: Do something funny.
Danny Dog: Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot?
Rebecca Rabbit: I like carrots.
George: Grrr, dinosaur.
Danny Dog: A scary dinosaur.
Narrator: Peppa is admiring herself in the mirror.
Peppa Pig: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?
Peppa Pig: (as the mirror) You are, Peppa.
Candy Cat: Hello, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Hello. I’m a little fairy princess.
Candy Cat: I’m a witch. And I’ve got a magic wand.
Peppa Pig: I’ve got a magic wand too.
Candy Cat: I can turn you into a frog.
Peppa Pig: And I’ll turn you into a frog.
George: Dinosaur. Grrr.
Narrator: Oh, dear. George is scared of his own reflection.
Mummy Pig: Oh, silly George. Look, it’s you in the mirror.
George: Grrr.
Mummy Pig: Children, it’s time to decide who has the best fancy dress costume.
Daddy Pig: We need a judge.
The Children: Me, me!
Daddy Pig: As it’s Peppa’s party, maybe she should be the judge.
Peppa Pig: I’m the judge, I’m the judge.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, what is a judge?
Daddy Pig: The judge decides who has the best costume.
Peppa Pig: Oh, goody!
Narrator: Peppa is going to choose who has the best costume.
Peppa Pig: Suzy, can I see your costume, please?
Suzy Sheep: I’m nurse Suzy. I make people better.
Peppa Pig: Very good, nurse Suzy.
Peppa Pig: Now Danny.
Danny Dog: I’m a pirate. Shiver me timbers.
Peppa Pig: Now Candy.
Candy Cat: I’m a witch. I can turn you into a frog.
Peppa Pig: Well, I’m a fairy princess, and I can turn you into a frog.
Mummy Pig: Children, children.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: Who’s next?
Pedro Pony: I’m a clown.
Peppa Pig: That’s funny.
Peppa Pig: And Rebecca.
Rebecca Rabbit: I’m a carrot.
Peppa Pig: Lovely.
Peppa Pig: And my little brother George is a scary dinosaur.
George: Grrr.
Peppa Pig: Everyone’s costume is very good.
The Children: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: Now you say who the winner is.
Peppa Pig: Oh, yes. Ahem. And the winner is...me!
Mummy Pig: Peppa, you can’t pick yourself. You’re the judge.
Peppa Pig: Oh, can’t I?
Mummy Pig: You have to pick another winner.
Peppa Pig: Okay. The carrot wins.
The Children: Hurrah!
Rebecca Rabbit: Thank you.
Narrator: Peppa loves fancy dress parties.
Narrator: Everyone loves fancy dress parties.
35. Very Hot Day
Narrator: The sun is shining. It is a very hot day.
Mummy Pig: What a lovely hot day.
Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their boots. They’re going to jump in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: I love muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Narrator: Oh, dear. The sun is so hot that the puddles have dried up.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Daddy, the puddles are all dry. We can’t jump in them.
Mummy Pig: Never mind, Peppa. It’s so sunny you can play in the paddling pool instead.
Peppa Pig: Yes, the paddling pool!
Mummy Pig: First, you have to change into your swimming costumes.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy.
Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their swimming costumes. Mummy Pig is wearing her swimming costume. And Daddy Pig is wearing his swimming costume.
Mummy Pig: Because it’s so hot, you need sun cream.
Peppa Pig: Yuck! It’s all oily and yucky.
George: Yuck.
Daddy Pig: What a fuss about nothing.
Mummy Pig: Yes, we all need sun cream today.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Daddy Pig: Come on, George. Let’s get some air into this paddling pool.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is pumping up the paddling pool.
Daddy Pig: Easy as pie.
Narrator: Peppa holds the hose, and Mummy Pig turns on the water.
Peppa Pig: Where’s the water?
Narrator: Peppa and George love their paddling pool.
Miss Rabbit: Ice cream! Ice cream!
Peppa Pig: Miss Rabbit, the ice cream lady!
Miss Rabbit: Ice cream!
Narrator: On very hot days Miss Rabbit sells ice cream.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Daddy, can George and I have an ice cream please?
Mummy Pig: Oh well, I suppose it is an especially hot day.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: Please can I have one as well?
Narrator: Everyone likes ice cream.
Miss Rabbit: Hello Mummy Pig, Peppa and George.
Mummy Pig: Hello, Miss Rabbit.
Miss Rabbit: What ice creams would you like?
Peppa Pig: Can I have a cone please, Miss Rabbit?
Miss Rabbit: Of course you may, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Thank you.
Mummy Pig: The same for me and one for Daddy Pig, please.
Miss Rabbit: And what would young Mr George like?
George: Dinosaur.
Miss Rabbit: A dinosaur?
Peppa Pig: Silly George. He always says dinosaur for everything.
Miss Rabbit: Well, it just so happens that I do have a dinosaur shaped ice lolly.
George: Dinosaur, grrr.
Mummy Pig: George, you should eat your ice lolly before it melts.
George: Dinosaur.
Narrator: George loves his dinosaur ice lolly so much he doesn’t want to eat it.
Mummy Pig: Thank you, Miss Rabbit.
Miss Rabbit: Enjoy the weather.
Mummy Pig: George, I really think you should eat your ice lolly before it melts and...falls on the ground.
Narrator: Oh, dear. George’s dinosaur ice lolly has melted and fallen on the ground.
Mummy Pig: Never mind, George. You can share Daddy’s ice cream. I’m sure he won’t mind.
Narrator: It is so warm Daddy Pig has fallen asleep.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig does look hot.
Peppa Pig: Let’s tip water on Daddy to cool him down.
Mummy Pig: Good idea, Peppa.
Daddy Pig: What happened?
Mummy Pig: You were all red and hot, Daddy Pig.
Peppa Pig: So we tipped water on you.
Daddy Pig: Oh, I see. Thank you, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Look! The puddles are back.
Peppa Pig: Quick, George! Let’s get our boots.
Narrator: Peppa and George are wearing their boots.
Narrator: Peppa and George love the hot day, but most of all they love jumping up and down in puddles.
36. Mister Skinnylegs
Narrator: Peppa is playing with her doll’s house. George is playing too.
Narrator: Peppa is making a tea party for the doll family.
Peppa Pig: Here, George. I’m the mummy and daddy. You can be the children.
Peppa Pig: (as mummy doll) Children, it’s nearly tea time, so you must wash your hands.
Narrator: George is putting the dolls to bed.
George: Night-night.
Peppa Pig: George, why are you putting the children to bed? They’re having a tea party.
Narrator: George likes putting the dolls to bed.
Peppa Pig: (as mummy doll) Children, come downstairs right now, or you won’t get any cake.
Narrator: George isn’t listening. He’s too busy putting the dolls to bed.
Peppa Pig: George, if you want to play with my doll’s house, you have to help with the tea party.
Peppa Pig: Here, George. You can fill the teapot with water.
Peppa Pig: (as mummy doll) Children, come downstairs right now.
Peppa Pig: (as the children dolls) Mummy, we’re coming.
Narrator: George is going to fill the teapot with water.
George: Oo.
Narrator: George has found a spider in the sink.
Narrator: George wants the spider to be his friend.
George: Oh.
Narrator: George likes the spider.
Narrator: The spider likes George.
Narrator: Peppa loves playing tea parties.
Peppa Pig: (as mummy doll) Where are all the chocolate biscuits, Daddy? We had lots yesterday.
Peppa Pig: (as daddy doll) Oh, I’m sorry, Mummy. I must have eaten them all. Ho, ho, ho.
Peppa Pig: (as mummy doll) Naughty Daddy.
Narrator: George is putting the spider to bed.
George: Night-night.
Peppa Pig: George, what are you doing?
Peppa Pig: You have to help me with the tea party.
Peppa Pig: Help! Help!
Peppa Pig: Daddy, there’s a spider in my bedroom.
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Please, Daddy. Take it away.
Daddy Pig: No need to panic.
Daddy Pig: Hello, George. Have you seen the spider?
Peppa Pig: It’s too scary. Take it away.
Daddy Pig: There’s no need to be afraid, Peppa. Spiders are very very small and they can’t hurt you. But don’t worry. Daddy will take it out of the bedroom.
Daddy Pig: Whoa! He’s quite big, isn’t he?
Daddy Pig: Um, I’ll just fetch Mummy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Mummy Pig!
Peppa Pig: Hello, Mr Skinnylegs.
Narrator: Peppa feels a little bit braver.
Peppa Pig: He likes being in my doll’s house.
Mummy Pig: Hello, children. I hear you found a little spider. I’ll take him out of the bedroom so you two can play.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, his name is Mr Skinnylegs.
Mummy Pig: Mr Skinnylegs is big, isn’t he?
Narrator: Peppa and George like the spider.
George: Night-night.
Narrator: George is putting the spider to bed.
Peppa Pig: No, George. He wants some tea. He doesn’t want to be in bed.
Peppa Pig: Are you hungry, Mr Skinnylegs? Would you like some cake?
Narrator: Peppa isn’t afraid of the spider anymore.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Daddy, sit down. We are all going to have tea with Mr Skinnylegs.
Peppa Pig: Who wants tea?
Mummy Pig: Me, please.
Daddy Pig: Me, please.
Daddy Pig: Delicious.
Narrator: Peppa loves playing tea parties.
Peppa Pig: Here’s your tea, Mr Skinnylegs.
Peppa Pig: What’s that? You want to say hello to my daddy?
Peppa Pig: (as Mr Skinnylegs) Hello, Mr Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: That’s all right, Peppa. Let Mr Skinnylegs drink his tea.
Peppa Pig: You’re not scared, are you, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: No, of course not.
Daddy Pig: Whoa! Not so close.
Daddy Pig: Whoa!
Narrator: Peppa likes Mr Skinnylegs.
Narrator: Everyone likes Mr Skinnylegs.
37. Lunch
Narrator: Peppa and George have come to Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig’s house for lunch.
Peppa Pig: Granny Pig!
George: Ganky ‘ig!
Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones. Would you like to pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa Pig!
George: Papa ‘ig!
Grandpa Pig: Hello, Peppa, George.
Narrator: This is Grandpa Pig’s vegetable garden. He has grown all these vegetables himself.
George: Grr.
Grandpa Pig: What’s this?
George: Dinosaur.
Grandpa Pig: A dinosaur?
Grandpa Pig: Let’s choose some vegetables for lunch.
Grandpa Pig: Peppa, do you like tomatoes?
Peppa Pig: Yes, Grandpa Pig.
Grandpa Pig: George, do you like tomatoes?
George: No.
Peppa Pig: George does not like tomatoes.
Grandpa Pig: Oh, dear.
Grandpa Pig: Do you both like lettuce?
Peppa Pig: Yes, Grandpa Pig.
George: No.
Peppa Pig: George does not like lettuce.
Grandpa Pig: Oh, dear. I must have something that George likes.
Grandpa Pig: Do you like cucumber?
George: Yuck!
Narrator: George does not like cucumbers. And he does not like lettuce. And he does not like tomatoes.
Grandpa Pig: Well, George, what vegetable do you like?
George: Chocolate cake.
Peppa Pig: Silly George. Chocolate cake isn’t a vegetable.
Grandpa Pig: Maybe George will like the vegetables when they’re made into a lovely salad.
Granny Pig: Oh, lovely fresh tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.
Granny Pig: First, we have to wash them.
Narrator: Peppa and George help Granny Pig wash the vegetables.
Granny Pig: Maybe that’s enough washing.
Narrator: Granny Pig has made the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber into a salad.
Granny Pig: Grandpa Pig, can you call everyone to lunch?
Grandpa Pig: Lunch!
Narrator: Granny Pig has made pizza for lunch.
Granny Pig: And here’s some salad made with Grandpa’s tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.
Grandpa Pig: Tuck in, everyone.
Narrator: George has eaten his pizza, but George does not like the tomatoes, or the lettuce, or the cucumber.
Granny Pig: Oh, dear, George. Don’t you like the salad?
George: No.
Mummy Pig: George, just try a little bit of this lovely tomato.
George: Yuck!
Granny Pig: George, this is cucumber. Grandpa Pig grew it in his garden.
Daddy Pig: Try a piece of lettuce, George. It’s yummy.
Grandpa Pig: Oh, now, now, George. Look what I’m doing.
Grandpa Pig: Now it’s a dinosaur.
George: Dinosaur, grr.
Narrator: George loves dinosaurs. George is eating the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.
Mummy Pig: Well done, George.
Granny Pig: Would you like some more, George?
George: Full.
Grandpa Pig: George, are you too full to eat any more tomatoes, lettuce or cucumber?
Narrator: George is too full to eat any more.
Mummy Pig: George, are you too full to eat anything more?
Narrator: George is too full to eat anything more.
Granny Pig: Oh, well. Then you won’t want any of this chocolate cake.
George: Chocolate cake!
Grandpa Pig: My word! George seems to have got his appetite back.
38. The Sleepy Princess
Narrator: It is night time. Peppa and George are going to bed.
Mummy Pig: Good night, Peppa and George.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Daddy?
Mummy Pig: Yes, Peppa?
Peppa Pig: I’m not sleepy. Can I have a story?
Daddy Pig: Maybe George is sleepy and doesn’t want a story.
Peppa Pig: George, do you want a story?
Peppa Pig: Say yes.
Daddy Pig: All right, I will tell you just one story.
Mummy Pig: If Daddy Pig tells you a story, you must both promise to go to sleep.
Peppa Pig: We promise.
Daddy Pig: Hmm, I think I’ll tell you the story of the sleepy princess.
Peppa Pig: Is it a good story? It sounds a bit boring.
Daddy Pig: It’s not boring. It’s very good.
Peppa Pig: Is there a little princess in it?
Mummy Pig: Peppa, if you keep talking, Daddy Pig can’t start the story.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy. Is there a little princess in the story, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: Yes, there is a little princess in it.
Daddy Pig: Hmmm. The Sleepy Princess.
Daddy Pig: Once upon a time in a castle there lived a little princess, and she was called the sleepy princess.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, why was she called that?
Daddy Pig: I’ll get to that later.
Peppa Pig: Was the sleepy princess pretty?
Daddy Pig: Yes, she was very pretty. She loved looking at herself in the mirror.
Princess Peppa Pig: I am so pretty.
Peppa Pig: Who else was living in the castle?
Daddy Pig: Uh, well...
Mummy Pig: The others in the castle were the small prince, Queen Mummy and King Daddy.
Daddy Pig: That’s right. They were all living there as well.
Peppa Pig: Did King Daddy have a big tummy?
Daddy Pig: Of course not. He was very handsome, like me.
Daddy Pig: Anyway, there was also a dragon.
George: Dinosaur.
Daddy Pig: Dinosaur? Oh, yes. It wasn’t a dragon. It was a dinosaur. Living outside was a huge, fierce dinosaur.
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. Maybe the dinosaur wasn’t quite that fierce, Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Sorry, George. No, the dinosaur was very gentle. It ate lots of grass.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig!
Daddy Pig: Oops, sorry. I was being the dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, why is the princess called the sleepy princess?
Daddy Pig: I’m coming to that.
Daddy Pig: You see, the sun set and the stars and moon came out. And everyone got very sleepy.
Daddy Pig: But the most sleepy of all was the sleepy princess.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, are you sleepy?
Peppa Pig: No, Daddy. I am not sleepy at all.
Mummy Pig: But somebody is.
Peppa Pig: George, wake up. You’ll miss the end of the story.
Daddy Pig: Well, Peppa might not be sleepy, but the sleepy princess certainly was.
Daddy Pig: Looking at herself all day in the mirror had completely worn her out.
King Daddy Pig: Let’s carry you to bed. Good night.
Daddy Pig: The sleepy princess was so sleepy she had fallen fast asleep.
Mummy Pig: Thank you for that story, King Daddy.
Daddy Pig: You’re welcome, Queen Mummy.
Mummy Pig: And our little prince and princess enjoyed it too.
39. The Tree House
Narrator: Peppa and George are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig.
Peppa Pig: Granny Pig!
George: Dankie ‘ig!
Granny Pig: Hello, my little ones. Before you come in the house you must take off your muddy boots.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Granny.
Granny Pig: Peppa, George, look what I’ve made. Little curtains.
Peppa and George: Oo-oo.
Peppa Pig: What are the little curtains for, Granny?
Granny Pig: It’s a surprise. Do you want to see what Grandpa Pig has made for you in the garden?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa Pig!
George: Papa ‘ig!
Grandpa Pig: Hello, Peppa, George. Look what I’ve made for you. A tree house.
Peppa Pig: A tree house? For George and me?
Granny Pig: And the little curtains are for your tree house.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Narrator: Peppa and George love their tree house.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, Granny Pig. Thank you, Grandpa Pig.
Grandpa Pig: Who wants to go inside first?
Peppa Pig: Me, me!
Grandpa Pig: In you go then.
Peppa Pig: Before I go in my tree house I must take off my muddy boots.
Peppa Pig: I’m in my tree house.
Peppa Pig: I’m in my tree house.
Daddy Pig: George, would you like to go in the tree house, too?
Peppa Pig: Yes, who is it?
Daddy Pig: A young pig named George would like to pay a visit. Can he come in?
Peppa Pig: As long as he takes off his muddy boots.
Daddy Pig: George, take your boots off. Then you can visit Peppa in the tree house.
Peppa Pig: Who is it?
Peppa Pig: George?
Peppa Pig: Yes, who is it?
Mummy Pig: It’s Mummy Pig. Have you room for any more visitors?
Peppa Pig: Mmm? You have to say the secret words. Then you can come into our house.
Mummy Pig: I see. And what are the secret words?
Peppa Pig: I have to whisper them to you. The secret words are: “Daddy’s big tummy.”
Mummy Pig: I see.
Peppa Pig: Say the secret words.
Mummy Pig: Daddy’s big tummy.
Peppa Pig: That’s right! Daddy’s big tummy!
Daddy Pig: I think those are silly secret words.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, before you come in our house you must take off your boots.
Mummy Pig: Of course.
Peppa Pig: There’s room for Daddy, too.
Peppa Pig: Say the secret words, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Can I have different secret words, please?
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig and George: No.
Daddy Pig: Oh, all right.
Daddy Pig: Daddy’s big tummy.
Peppa Pig: That’s right. You can come in now, Daddy. Take your boots off.
Daddy Pig: I don’t think I can fit through the door.
Peppa Pig: That’s because your tummy’s too big.
Grandpa Pig: I know. Daddy Pig can climb in through the top.
Narrator: Peppa, George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are all in the tree house.
Peppa Pig: Granny, I love our tree house. I don’t want to ever come out.
Granny Pig: That’s nice, Peppa. But are you sure you don’t want to visit me in my house?
Peppa Pig: No, thank you, Granny.
Granny Pig: In that case Grandpa Pig and I will just have to eat my homemade cookies all by ourselves.
Peppa Pig: Cookies!
Peppa Pig: Granny Pig!
Granny Pig: Here are my homemade cookies. But if you want to come in you have to say the secret words.
Peppa Pig: That’s easy. Daddy’s big tummy!
Granny Pig: That’s right.
Daddy Pig: Well I still think that those are very silly secret words.
40. Daddy Gets Fit
Narrator: Mummy Pig is watching a keep fit programme on television.
Potato on TV: ...three and four and, come on now, that’s right. Bend it, stretch it, bend it, stretch it...
Daddy Pig: I love watching telly.
Daddy Pig: What’s this, Mummy Pig?
Mummy Pig: It’s a programme about doing exercises to keep fit.
Daddy Pig: Thank goodness I don’t have to exercise. I’m naturally fit.
Peppa Pig: You don’t look very fit, Daddy. Your tummy is a bit big.
Daddy Pig: I’m very fit. I’ll show you. What shall I do first?
Peppa Pig: Touch your toes like this.
Daddy Pig: Easy.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, stop pretending that you can’t touch your toes.
Daddy Pig: Er, I’m not pretending, Peppa.
Narrator: Daddy Pig really cannot touch his toes.
Peppa Pig: Oh dear, Daddy. That’s not very good.
Daddy Pig: Hmm? Maybe I should do a bit of exercise.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: And I will start...tomorrow.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, you have to start exercising now.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Peppa Pig: Don’t worry, Daddy. I will help you.
Daddy Pig: Oh, all right.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, you’re in charge of getting me fit. What shall I do first?
Peppa Pig: First you must do some press-ups.
Daddy Pig: Easy.
Peppa Pig: One. Two.
Daddy Pig: There.
Peppa Pig: Very good, Daddy. Now I want you to do one hundred.
Daddy Pig: One hundred?
Peppa Pig: Yes.
Mummy Pig: Come on, children. Help me make lunch.
Daddy Pig: I’ll help as well.
Peppa Pig: No, Daddy. You’ve got one hundred press-ups to do.
Daddy Pig: Oh. One, two...
Narrator: Mummy Pig, Peppa and George are in the kitchen making lunch.
Daddy Pig: Six...
Narrator: Daddy Pig is still doing his press-ups.
Daddy Pig: Eight...
Peppa Pig: Daddy is doing very well.
Daddy Pig: Ten...
Mummy Pig: Yes. I do hope he’s not overdoing it.
Peppa Pig: I’ll go and see.
Daddy Pig: Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen.
Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig! You’re cheating!You should be doing press-ups.
Daddy Pig: Oh, er, there was something interesting on the TV.
Peppa Pig: Naughty Daddy.
Mummy Pig: Maybe Daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike.
Daddy Pig: Ah ha. This looks like fun. I’ll be able to cycle and watch TV at the same time.
Daddy Pig: That’s impossible. This bike is too noisy. I can’t hear the TV.
Mummy Pig: You’ve got to get fit somehow.
Peppa Pig: I know! You can use my bicycle!
Mummy Pig: Yes, and then you’ll get some fresh air as well.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is going to ride on Peppa’s little bicycle.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, these are the pedals, these are the brakes, and this is the bell.
Daddy Pig: Yes, yes, thank you, Peppa. I know. Bye-bye.
Daddy Pig: Easy as pie.
Narrator: Getting fit is quite hard work.
Daddy Pig: Now I can get fit without having to pedal.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is going very fast.
Daddy Pig: Oh. Maybe I’d better slow down.
Daddy Pig: The brakes aren’t strong enough!
Narrator: Daddy Pig has been gone for a long time.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, where can Daddy be?
Mummy Pig: Don’t worry, Peppa. Daddy must be really enjoying himself to be away for so long.
Peppa Pig: Daddy! Where have you been?
Daddy Pig: I whizzed all the way down the hill. Then I had to push the bike all the way back up again.
Mummy Pig: Oh, poor Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Well at least I’ve done my exercise.
Mummy Pig: Yes, for today.
Daddy Pig: What do you mean?
Mummy Pig: You have to do some more exercise tomorrow.
Daddy Pig: What?
Peppa Pig: Daddy, to get fit you have to exercise every day.
Daddy Pig: Oh no.
Peppa Pig: But don’t worry, Daddy. I’ll make sure you do it.
Daddy Pig: Yes, I know you will.
41. Shopping
Narrator: Peppa and George are going shopping.
Narrator: Peppa and George like shopping.
Narrator: George loves sitting in the trolley.
Narrator: So does Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, can I sit in the trolley, too?
Daddy Pig: You’re too big for the trolley, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Daddy Pig: But you can help with the shopping.
Peppa Pig: Oh, goody!
Mummy Pig: We’ve got four things on the list.
Daddy Pig: Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit.
Peppa Pig: I’ll find it all.
Peppa Pig: This way.
Narrator: Peppa and George love shopping.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, first we need tomatoes.
Peppa Pig: Hmm. I can see them, I can see them.
Peppa Pig: Here are the tomatoes, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: Well done, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: One, two, three, four.
Mummy Pig: Now, put them in the trolley.
Peppa Pig: I found the tomatoes.
Daddy Pig: Well done, Peppa. Tomatoes. That’s one thing off the list. What’s next on the list?
Peppa Pig: Spaghetti.
George: Pighetti.
Daddy Pig: That’s right, George. But it’s called “spaghetti.”
George: Pighetti.
Narrator: Spaghetti is Peppa and George’s favourite food.
Daddy Pig: I wonder where the spaghetti is.
Peppa Pig: I can see it. This way.
Peppa Pig: Spaghetti. Look, Mummy. Here’s the spaghetti.
Mummy Pig: Well done, Peppa. Let’s put the spaghetti in the trolley.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy.
George: Pighetti.
Peppa Pig: George, it’s called “spa-ghet-ti.”
George: Pi-ghet-ti.
Daddy Pig: What’s next on the list, Peppa?
Peppa Pig: Crisps.
Daddy Pig: Crisps are not on the list.
Mummy Pig: We have plenty of crisps at home, Peppa.
Daddy Pig: Have another guess.
Peppa Pig: Hmm. I just can’t remember.
Mummy Pig: Can you remember, George?
George: Dinosaur.
Mummy Pig: Dinosaur?
Peppa Pig: George, there aren’t any dinosaurs in the supermarket.
Daddy Pig: No, George. The next thing on the list is onions.
Peppa Pig: Onions! I remember now.
Peppa Pig: Here they are.
Mummy Pig: Well done.
Peppa Pig: One, two, three, four.
Peppa Pig: Onions!
Daddy Pig: Very good. That’s nearly everything on our list.
Mummy Pig: There’s one last thing on the list.
Narrator: A plant? Is that on the list?
Daddy Pig: No, George. The last thing on the list is fruit.
George: Oh.
Mummy Pig: Never mind, George. You can choose the fruit.
Mummy Pig: Where is the fruit?
Peppa Pig: Over there.
Narrator: There are apples, and oranges, and bananas, and a very big melon.
Mummy Pig: What fruit shall we have, George? Apples?
Daddy Pig: Oranges?
Peppa Pig: Bananas?
Peppa Pig: A melon!
Narrator: This is the checkout where all the food is paid for.
Miss Rabbit: Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions, melon, chocolate cake.
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, and George: Chocolate cake?
Narrator: Chocolate cake? Is that on the list?
Mummy Pig: Peppa, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley?
Peppa Pig: No, Mummy.
Mummy Pig: George, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley?
George: No.
Mummy Pig: Well I didn’t put it in.
Peppa Pig: Then who did?
Daddy Pig: Uh, I thought it might be nice for pudding.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig!
Peppa Pig: Naughty Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Sorry. It just looked so delicious.
Mummy Pig: It does look rather yummy. Oh, let’s pretend it was on the list.
George: Chocolate cake!
Daddy Pig: Hurrah!
42. Chloé’s Puppet Show
Narrator: Peppa and her family are visiting Uncle Pig and Auntie Pig and Cousin Chloé.
Daddy Pig: I expect Uncle Pig will fall asleep after lunch like he always does.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, you shouldn’t say such things about your own brother, especially in front of the children.
Daddy Pig: But it’s true. Uncle Pig always eats too much lunch and falls asleep, snoring loudly like this.
Daddy Pig: Uh, Peppa, George, forget what I just said about Uncle Pig.
Peppa Pig: OK, Daddy.
Narrator: Peppa and her family have arrived at Uncle Pig and Auntie Pig’s house.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Uncle Pig and Auntie Pig.
Auntie Pig: Hello.
Uncle Pig: Hello, everyone.
Daddy Pig: Hello, big brother.
Narrator: Uncle Pig is Daddy Pig’s brother.
Narrator: Chloé Pig is Peppa and George’s cousin.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Chloé.
Chloé Pig: Hello, Peppa. Hello, George. I want to show you something.
Peppa Pig: Wait for us.
Chloé Pig: This is my new puppet theatre. My daddy made it for me.
Peppa Pig: Wow!
Chloé Pig: I’ve made two puppets already. This one is called Chloé.
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Chloé): Hello, I am Chloé Pig.
Chloé Pig: And this one is my daddy.
Peppa Pig: Uncle Pig.
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Uncle Pig) Hello, Peppa. I am Uncle Pig.
Peppa Pig: Chloé, can me and George make puppets too?
Chloé Pig: Yes.
Narrator: Chloé paints the puppet's eyes.
Peppa Pig: Can I do the mouth?
Chloé Pig: OK.
Peppa Pig: (as puppet Peppa Pig) My name is Peppa.
Chloé Pig: George, what puppet would you like to make?
George: Dinosaur.
Chloé Pig: A dinosaur?
Peppa Pig: George always says dinosaur for everything.
Chloé Pig: OK, a scary dinosaur puppet.
Narrator: Chloé is making George a dinosaur puppet.
Chloé Pig: It needs pointy teeth. There, a scary dinosaur.
George: Grrr.
Auntie Pig: Lunchtime, everyone.
Chloé Pig: Coming.
Chloé Pig: After lunch we’ll do a puppet show.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Narrator: Auntie Pig has made spaghetti for lunch.
Daddy Pig: This spaghetti is delicious.
Uncle Pig: Best spaghetti ever.
Mummy Pig: You can tell you two are brothers.
Auntie Pig: Alike in every way.
Daddy Pig: What do you mean?
Uncle Pig: We are completely different.
Chloé Pig: Peppa, George and I are going to do a puppet show.
Auntie Pig: Fantastic! Call us when you’re ready.
Peppa Pig: See you later.
Daddy Pig: A puppet show? That sounds fun. Have I got time for some more spaghetti?
Uncle Pig: Could I have some more too?
Narrator: The puppet show is about to begin.
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Chloé) Hello, my name is Chloé.
Peppa Pig: (as puppet Peppa) And I am Peppa.
George: (as puppet dinosaur) Grrr.
Peppa Pig: (as puppet Peppa) It’s a dinosaur!
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Chloé) Scary dinosaur. Eek!
Auntie Pig: I say, that’s very good.
Daddy Pig: Bravo!
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Uncle Pig) I am Uncle Pig.
Peppa Pig: (as puppet Peppa) Hello, Uncle Pig.
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Uncle Pig) Hello, Peppa. Ho, ho, ho.
Auntie Pig: It looks just like you.
Uncle Pig: I think they’ve made my tummy a bit big.
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Uncle Pig) Ho, ho, I did enjoy my lunch.
Peppa Pig: (as puppet Peppa) Uncle Pig, are you going to fall asleep and snore like you always do?
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Uncle Pig) What do you mean?
Peppa Pig: (as puppet Peppa) Daddy says you always fall asleep and snore loudly like this.
Chloé Pig: (as puppet Uncle Pig) Ho, ho, your daddy’s right. I do snore like this.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, you shouldn’t have said those things about Uncle Pig.
Auntie Pig: I don’t think Daddy Pig or Uncle Pig can hear you.
Narrator: Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig have fallen asleep.
Mummy Pig: You can tell they’re brothers.
Uncle Pig: What happened?
Daddy Pig: Has the puppet show started yet?
43. My Birthday Party
Narrator: It is Peppa’s birthday. It is very early in the morning.
Peppa Pig: It’s my birthday.
Peppa Pig: George, wake up. It’s my birthday.
Peppa Pig: I’m going to have a party, and Daddy is doing a magic show.
Peppa Pig: Quick, George. Let’s wake Mummy and Daddy up.
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are still fast asleep.
Peppa Pig: Wake up, it’s my birthday!
Peppa Pig: Wake up!
Mummy Pig: What time is it?
Peppa Pig: It’s very late.
Daddy Pig: It’s five o’clock in the morning.
Peppa Pig: Yes, the whole day is going.
Mummy Pig: Okay, let’s get your birthday started.
Peppa Pig: Yippee!
Narrator: Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and George are giving Peppa her birthday present.
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig: Happy birthday, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Oo, what is it?
Peppa Pig: A doll’s dress. I can put it on Teddy.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, everyone.
Daddy Pig: You’re welcome, Peppa. I didn’t know Teddy was a girl teddy.
Peppa Pig: Oh, Daddy, of course Teddy is a girl.
Peppa Pig: (as Teddy) I love my new dress. Thank you, everyone.
Peppa Pig: You’re welcome, Teddy. Don’t get it dirty.
Mummy Pig: Do you know what’s happening next, Peppa?
Peppa Pig: Yes, my friends are coming for my birthday party, and Daddy is doing a magic show.
Daddy Pig: No one will know the magician is your daddy. You’ll introduce me as The Amazing Mysterio.
Peppa Pig: The Mazy Mistio.
Daddy Pig: Yes, The Amazing Mysterio.
Mummy Pig: Daddy’s been practising his magic tricks all week.
Peppa Pig: My friends are here! Yippee!
Narrator: Here are Peppa’s friends, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony
Peppa Pig: Hello, everyone.
Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, Pedro Pony: Happy birthday, Peppa.
Mummy Pig: Come on, children. The party’s starting.
The Children: Hurrah!
Narrator: Daddy Pig is going to do a magic show.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, remember what you have to say?
Daddy Pig: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing The Amazing Mysterio.
Peppa Pig: Okay, Daddy.
Peppa Pig: Ladies and gentlemen, uh, it’s Magic Daddy.
The Children: Hurrah!
Daddy Pig: For my first trick...Abracadabra.
Peppa Pig: Wow, it’s Teddy!
Daddy Pig: For my next trick I need a helper from the audience.
The Children: Me, me, me, me!
Daddy Pig: I just need one.
Daddy Pig: Young lady, you put your hand up first. Can you tell the audience your name?
Suzy Sheep: Suzy Sheep.
Daddy Pig: Okay, Suzy. Here are three balls, a red one, a blue one, and a yellow one.
Suzy Sheep: Okay.
Daddy Pig: You have to secretly choose one while my back is turned.
Suzy Sheep: Okay.
Daddy Pig: Have you chosen one?
Suzy Sheep: Yes.
Daddy Pig: Abracadabra, you chose yellow.
Suzy Sheep: No.
Daddy Pig: Abracadabra...blue.
Suzy Sheep: No.
Daddy Pig: Abracadabra...red.
Suzy Sheep: Yes! It is red.
The Children: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: Silly Magic Daddy. You said all three colours.
Daddy Pig: Shush, Peppa. Don’t tell anyone.
Daddy Pig: Would you like one more trick?
The Children: Yes, please.
Daddy Pig: Close your eyes. No looking. Say the magic words, “Abracadabra.”
The Children: Abracadabra.
Daddy Pig: Open your eyes.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah! My banana birthday cake.
Mummy Pig: Blow the candles out, Peppa.
Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, Pedro Pony: Hurrah! Happy birthday, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Thank you, everyone. This is my best birthday ever.
44. The Playground
Narrator: Peppa and George are at the playground with their friends.
Narrator: Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the climbing frame.
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Narrator: Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide.
Danny Dog: Whee!
Rebecca Rabbit: Whee!
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Danny Dog: Whee!
Rebecca Rabbit: Whee!
Narrator: Peppa is playing on the swing.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Mummy, push me please.
Mummy Pig: Are you ready?
Peppa Pig: Yes, I want to go really high.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Peppa Pig: Higher, Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Narrator: George wants to play on the swing.
Peppa Pig: Now it’s your turn, George.
Mummy Pig: Hold tight.
Peppa Pig: I want to push George.
Mummy Pig: Push George gently, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Hold tight, George.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Narrator: Oh, dear. Peppa has pushed George too high.
Narrator: George does not like being up high.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, you know George is a bit scared of heights.
Peppa Pig: Sorry, George.
Peppa Pig: Let’s play on the climbing frame.
Peppa Pig: Hello, Suzy. Hello, Danny.
Suzy Sheep and Danny Dog: Hello, Peppa.
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Danny Dog: Whee!
Peppa Pig: You are doing it all wrong. This is the proper way to swing across.
Peppa Pig: Stand back.
Peppa Pig: Ready, steady, go!
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Peppa Pig: Look at me. I’m flying like a bird.
Peppa Pig: Oh, I can’t get out.
Narrator: Peppa is stuck in the tyre.
Peppa Pig: It’s not funny.
Daddy Pig: Well it does look a bit funny.
Daddy Pig: We’ll have to pull you out.
Narrator: Peppa’s friends are helping to free her.
Peppa’s friends: Hurrah!
Peppa Pig: Thank you, everyone.
Daddy Pig: George, do you want to play on the climbing frame?
Narrator: The climbing frame is quite high. George does not like being up high.
Daddy Pig: Sorry, George. Let’s play on the slide.
Peppa Pig: Yes, the slide.
Narrator: Peppa loves the slide.
Narrator: Everyone loves the slide.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, Daddy, look at me.
Peppa Pig: Ready, steady, go.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Suzy Sheep: Whee!
Danny Dog: Whee!
Candy Cat: Whee!
Rebecca Rabbit: Whee!
Pedro Pony: Whee!
Narrator: George wants to play on the slide.
Daddy Pig: Are you sure, George? It is a bit high.
Daddy Pig: All right. I’ll help you up the steps.
Narrator: Oh, dear. It is a bit too high for George.
Daddy Pig: Don’t worry, George. I’ll slide down with you.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, you’re too big to go down the slide.
Daddy Pig: Don’t be silly, Peppa. I’m not too big.
Daddy Pig: Stand back. Ready, steady, go.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is stuck.
Daddy Pig: It’s not funny.
Peppa Pig: It looks very funny, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Hmmm. I suppose it is a bit funny.
Peppa Pig: We’ll have to push you down.
Peppa Pig: Whee!
Peppa Pig: Daddy’s tummy is just like a bouncy castle.
Narrator: George loves bouncing on Daddy’s tummy.
Narrator: George isn’t afraid of heights anymore.
45. Tidying Up
Narrator: Peppa and George are in their bedroom playing with their toys.
Peppa Pig: George, let’s play dollies and dinosaurs.
George: Grrr.
Peppa Pig: (as dolly) What is that? It looks like a horrible monster.
George: Dinosaur. Grrr.
Peppa Pig: (as dolly) Aah, it’s a dinosaur! Help! Help!
Peppa Pig: (as dolly) Help, help!
Narrator: Daddy Pig is in the sitting room reading his newspaper. Mummy Pig is reading her book.
Daddy Pig: What are they doing?
Peppa Pig: (as dolly) Help, help!
George: Grrr.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, George, what’s going on?
Daddy Pig: What’s all this noise?
Daddy Pig: Whoa! Help!
Mummy Pig: What on earth is going on?
Mummy Pig: What a lot of noise! And look at all this mess on the floor. Someone could trip over and hurt themselves.
Daddy Pig: Someone did trip over and hurt themselves.
Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. Poor Daddy Pig. Come on, children. Let’s do a bit of tidying up.
Peppa Pig: But, Mummy, we’re playing dollies and dinosaurs.
Mummy Pig: You can play again when you’ve tidied up.
Peppa Pig: But it’s all George’s mess.
Daddy Pig: Is it really? So this must be one of George’s lovely dresses.
George: No.
Peppa Pig: Well maybe some of the mess is mine.
Daddy Pig: Right. I’ll help George tidy, and Mummy Pig can help Peppa.
Peppa Pig: We can have a race. Girls against boys.
Daddy Pig: Good idea. Let’s see who can tidy up first. Ready, steady, go!
Daddy Pig: We’re winning!
Peppa Pig: No you’re not. There. Oh. What’s this? Teddy. I’ve been looking for you.
Mummy Pig: Quick, Peppa. Put Teddy in your toy basket.
Peppa Pig: There. Now these books. Lovely.
Daddy Pig: What do we have here?
George: Dinosaur.
Daddy Pig: That’s right. It’s a dinosaur book.
Narrator: It’s George’s pop-up dinosaur book.
Daddy Pig: This is a tyrannosaurus rex.
George: Tyrannosaurus rex.
Daddy Pig: That’s right.
Daddy Pig: Oh. This is a brontosaurus.
George: Brontosaurus.
Daddy Pig: Yes.
Daddy Pig: And this is a triceratops.
George: Triceratops.
Daddy Pig: Well done, George.
Narrator: George loves dinosaurs.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, George, you’ve stopped tidying up. You’ll lose the race.
Daddy Pig: Oh, yes, the race. Come on, George. Put this back on the bookshelf.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, you’re very slow at tidying up. Mummy and I are going to win.
Daddy Pig: No, we’re going to win.
Daddy Pig: We win.
Peppa Pig: No, we win.
Mummy Pig: We all win. Look how tidy the room is.
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George: Hurrah!
Narrator: What a tidy room.
Daddy Pig: Well done, everyone.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, now that we’ve tidied our room, can we play dollies and dinosaurs again?
Mummy Pig: Yes, you can carry on with your game now.
Peppa Pig: Yippee!
Peppa Pig: Where are my dolls? Where is Mr Dinosaur?
Peppa Pig: Here they are.
George: Grrr. Dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: (as dolly) Aah! It’s a dinosaur! Help! Help!
Narrator: Oh, dear. The room is untidy again.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
George: Oh.
Daddy Pig: Well, at least it was tidy for a bit.
46. Frogs and Worms and Butterflies
Narrator: Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig in his garden.
Peppa Pig: Wow!
Narrator: What a beautiful butterfly.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, why do butterflies like flowers?
Grandpa Pig: They get their food from flowers.
Peppa Pig: How?
Grandpa Pig: They have very long tongues.
Peppa Pig: Longer than mine?
Grandpa Pig: Oh, yes, the butterfly's tongue is even longer than yours. She uses it to drink from the flower.
Peppa Pig: Wow!
Grandpa Pig: Peppa, the butterfly thinks you're a flower.
Peppa Pig: I'm not a flower! I'm Peppa Pig! She is so pretty. I want to be a butterfly.
Narrator: Peppa is playing at being a butterfly.
Peppa Pig: I'm a little butterfly!
Narrator: George wants to play, too.
Peppa Pig: George, I'm the butterfly. You have to be something else.
Peppa Pig: I know. You can be a wriggly worm.
Peppa Pig: Look, look! I'm a butterfly.
Narrator: Oh dear! George does not want to be a worm. He wants to be a butterfly.
Grandpa Pig: George, when I was a little piggy, I used to like playing at being a worm. It's very easy to be a worm. I'll show you how.
Grandpa Pig: First, you have to lie down on the ground. Then, you wriggle around. I'm a wriggly worm!
Narrator: George and Grandpa Pig are having such fun being wriggly worms.
Peppa Pig: I'm a little butterfly. I'm a little butterfly!
Peppa Pig: Look, look. I'm a butterfly.
Grandpa Pig: Yes, Peppa, you're a beautiful butterfly.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, George, what are you doing?
Grandpa Pig: We are wriggly worms.
Peppa Pig: I want to be a wriggly worm, too. I'm a wriggly worm.
Grandpa Pig: I'm a wriggly worm.
Peppa Pig: I'm a wriggly worm. I'm a wriggly worm. How do you do? I love you. I'm a wriggly worm.
Grandpa Pig: That was fun. What animal do you want to be now?
Peppa Pig: Hmm. I don't know.
Peppa Pig: Look, Grandpa! There's a little frog.
Grandpa Pig: Why don't you play at being frogs?
Peppa Pig: Hmm, frogs are not as pretty as butterflies or as wriggly as worms.
Grandpa Pig: But frogs do play a game you like.
Peppa Pig: Hmm. Do frogs play dolls' houses?
Grandpa Pig: Silly Peppa. What's your favorite game?
Peppa Pig: Jumping in muddy puddles!
Grandpa Pig: Yes. Frogs love jumping in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Yes, George! Let's play frogs.
Peppa Pig: I'm a little froggy. I'm a little froggy.
Narrator: The froggies have found a nice big muddy puddle to play in. Peppa and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Peppa Pig: Butterflies and worms are very nice. But I like frogs the best.
47. Daddy Puts Up a Picture
Narrator: Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have a new picture of Peppa and George.
Mummy Pig: We should put this lovely new picture on the wall.
Daddy Pig: Leave it to me. I am the DIY expert of the house.
Mummy Pig: Are you sure you can do it?
Daddy Pig: Of course. I’ll just put a nail in the wall and hang the picture on it.
Mummy Pig: Very good. I’m just off to visit Granny and Grandpa Pig. I’ll see you later.
Mummy Pig: And, please don’t make a mess.
Daddy Pig: Mess? Ho-ho-ho.
Mummy Pig: Bye.
Daddy Pig and Peppa Pig: Goodbye.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, can we help put up the picture?
Daddy Pig: You can watch, and then you’ll learn how to do it properly.
Daddy Pig: First, I need a tape measure and a pencil.
Daddy Pig: That is where I’m going to put the nail.
Peppa Pig: Don’t break the wall, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. Now I need a hammer and a nail.
Daddy Pig: Stand back, children, and watch a craftsman at work.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is going to knock the nail into the wall.
Peppa Pig: Don’t break the wall, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, don’t be silly, Peppa.
Daddy Pig: Easy as pie.
Daddy Pig: Oh, it’s not meant to do that.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has made a big crack in the wall.
Peppa Pig: Oh, Daddy, you’ve broken the wall.
Daddy Pig: It’s just a tiny crack. The picture will hide it. There.
Peppa Pig: I can still see the crack, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Yes. I’ll just take the nail out and fill in the crack.
Peppa Pig: Don’t make a mess, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Ho-ho, don’t be silly, Peppa. It’s coming out...
Peppa Pig: Oh, Daddy. Now you really have broken the wall.
Daddy Pig: Hmmm.
Peppa Pig: Do you think Mummy will notice?
Daddy Pig: Yes, I think she might.
Peppa Pig: Quick, George.
Daddy Pig: What are they doing?
Peppa Pig: Daddy, we can see you.
Narrator: Daddy Pig has to mend the wall before Mummy Pig comes home.
Daddy Pig: Brick, please.
Narrator: First, Daddy Pig fills the hole with bricks.
Daddy Pig: There.
Narrator: Next, Daddy Pig puts plaster over the bricks.
Daddy Pig: Ho-ho-ho, easy as pie.
Narrator: Then Daddy Pig paints the wall.
Daddy Pig: Good as new.
Narrator: The wall is mended.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Narrator: But look at all the mess they have made.
Daddy Pig: Goodness me. We’d better clean up before Mummy comes back.
Narrator: First, Daddy Pig quickly washes Peppa and George. Then Peppa vacuums the floor. And Daddy Pig tidies up the tools.
George: Mummy.
Narrator: Mummy Pig is home.
George: Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Mummy’s here.
Daddy Pig: Quick! Pretend nothing has happened.
Mummy Pig: Hello.
Daddy Pig: Hello.
Mummy Pig: What have you been doing?
Daddy Pig: Oh, nothing.
Mummy Pig: Yes, I can see you’ve been doing nothing. I thought you were going to put the picture up.
Narrator: In all the excitement Daddy Pig has forgotten to put the picture up.
Daddy Pig: Oh.
Mummy Pig: Well, I’m no expert, but I’m sure it’s quite easy.
Mummy Pig: There.
Daddy Pig: Hmmm. Yes, that did look quite easy.
Peppa Pig: But when you did it, Daddy, it looked really hard.
Daddy Pig: Shush, Peppa. Don’t tell anyone.
48. At the Beach
Narrator: Peppa and her family are going to the beach. Peppa and George love going to the beach.
Mummy Pig: What a lot of stuff. We must be careful not to forget anything when we go.
Peppa Pig: Sunshade, beach bag, towels, buckets and spades, and a spotty ball.
Mummy Pig: Good. Now before you start playing, you need some sun cream on.
Narrator: The sun is very hot so Peppa and George have to have sun cream on.
Daddy Pig: Let’s try out this spotty ball.
Daddy Pig: It seems to work.
Narrator: What a great spotty ball.
Peppa Pig: George, you throw the ball and I will catch it.
Peppa Pig: George, catch.
Narrator: Oh, dear. George is too little to catch the ball.
Daddy Pig: Never mind, George. Would you and Peppa like to have a paddle in the sea?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Let’s put your water wings on.
Daddy Pig: There we go. You look very smart in your water wings, George.
Peppa Pig: My turn, my turn.
Daddy Pig: Good. Now we can play in the water.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Mummy Pig: Is the water cold?
Daddy Pig: It’s lovely and warm.
Daddy Pig: Steady on.
Mummy Pig: You started it, Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Maybe that’s enough splashing.
Peppa Pig and George: Whee!
Peppa Pig: Daddy, I love being at the beach.
Narrator: Peppa and George love the beach. Everyone loves the beach.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, would you like to play with your buckets and spades?
Peppa Pig: Yes, please, Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Daddy, Daddy! Can we bury you in the sand?
Daddy Pig: Uh, well...
Peppa Pig: Please, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: Oh, all right.
Peppa Pig: Yippee!
Narrator: Peppa and George are burying Daddy Pig in the sand.
Daddy Pig: Steady on.
Mummy Pig: There.
Peppa Pig: Now you can’t escape.
Daddy Pig: My head is getting a bit hot. Can I have my straw hat?
Peppa Pig: Well, if you say please.
Daddy Pig: Please can I have my straw hat?
Peppa Pig: Yes, you may, Daddy.
Daddy Pig: That’s nice. Maybe I’ll just have a little sleep.
Peppa Pig: George, let’s make sand castles.
Narrator: Peppa and George are making sand castles.
Peppa Pig: First we put sand in the buckets like this.
Peppa Pig: We turn the buckets upside down and tap them.
Peppa Pig: And lift the bucket up. Hey presto!
Narrator: A sand castle.
George: Hey presto!
Narrator: Another sand castle.
Mummy Pig: Peppa, George, home time! Don’t leave any stuff behind.
Mummy Pig: Let’s check that we haven’t forgotten anything.
Peppa Pig: Towels, beach bag, sunshade, and a spotty ball. That’s everything.
Mummy Pig: I’m sure we’ve forgotten something.
Peppa Pig: Hmm?
Mummy Pig: Of course. We forgot the hat.
Peppa Pig: Daddy! We forgot Daddy!
Mummy Pig: Yes, we forgot Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: What?
Peppa Pig: Daddy, we almost left you behind. But George remembered you.
Daddy Pig: Well, I’m glad George remembered me.
49. Cleaning the Car
Narrator: Daddy Pig is taking the family for a drive in the country.
Daddy Pig: Come on. Is everybody ready?
Peppa Pig: Ready.
Mummy Pig: Yes, Daddy Pig. We’re ready. But the car isn’t ready. Look how messy it is.
Daddy Pig: Oh, it’s not too bad. You should see how messy it is inside.
Mummy Pig: Naughty, messy Daddy.
Peppa Pig: Naughty, messy Daddy.
Mummy Pig: Look at all this rubbish. Newspapers.
Daddy Pig: They’re mine.
Mummy Pig: Sweets.
Peppa Pig: They’re mine.
Mummy Pig: Mr Dinosaur.
George: Dinosaur, grrr.
Mummy Pig: We must clean the car before we go for a drive.
Daddy Pig: Oh, right you are, Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, can we help to clean the car?
Mummy Pig: Yes, if you want to.
Peppa Pig: Hurrah!
Narrator: Daddy Pig has some warm, soapy water to wash the car.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is washing the roof.
Narrator: Mummy Pig is washing the bonnet.
Narrator: Peppa is washing the doors.
Narrator: George wants to wash the windows, but he is too little.
Mummy Pig: Poor George. Let me help you.
Narrator: Oh, dear. George has dropped his sponge in a muddy puddle.
Peppa Pig: George, you’re making the car all muddy again.
Peppa Pig: I will wash the mud off.
Daddy Pig: Peppa, don’t use the...muddy water.
Narrator: Oh, dear. Peppa has thrown the muddy water all over the car.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Daddy Pig: Never mind. We can use the garden hose to clean it off.
Peppa Pig: Yes, yes. Can I hold the hose?
Narrator: Peppa holds the hose, and Daddy Pig turns on the water.
Peppa Pig: Where’s the water?
Mummy Pig: Peppa, stop!
Peppa Pig: Sorry, Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Oh.
Mummy Pig: Daddy Pig, please turn off the water.
Daddy Pig: Oh. No need to panic.
Narrator: Oh, dear. Everyone is wet.
Daddy Pig: At least the car has been washed.
Mummy Pig: We’ve all been washed.
Daddy Pig: You go and dry yourselves while I polish the car.
Peppa Pig: See you later.
Daddy Pig: See you later.
Narrator: Daddy Pig is polishing the car so well he can see his face in it.
Narrator: What a funny face.
Narrator: Oh, more funny faces. It’s Peppa and George.
Narrator: And Mummy Pig.
Mummy Pig: What a lovely, shiny car.
Daddy Pig: Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things.
Mummy Pig: Come on, I’ll drive today.
Daddy Pig: Is everybody ready?
Mummy Pig and Peppa Pig: Ready.
Daddy Pig: Then let’s go.
Mummy Pig: I hope we will all keep this car clean today.
Peppa Pig: Yes, Mummy Pig.
Daddy Pig: Yes, Mummy Pig.
Peppa Pig: Mummy, now you’ve made the car all muddy again.
Daddy Pig: Naughty Mummy.
Peppa Pig: Naughty, messy Mummy
50. Grandpa Pig's Boat
Narrator: Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are taking Peppa and George out for a day on the river.
Grandpa Pig: Welcome aboard, me hearties!
Granny Pig: Peppa, George, let's put your life jackets on.
Narrator: When Peppa and George are on Grandpa Pig's boat, they must wear life jackets.
Grandpa Pig: On this boat, I'm the captain.
Granny Pig: Aye aye, captain!
Peppa Pig: Aye aye, captain!
Grandpa Pig: When captain Grandpa tells you all to do something, you must do it.
Granny Pig: Unless it's something silly.
Grandpa Pig: Captain Grandpa never says anything silly.
Granny Pig: Of course not, Captain Grandpa.
Grandpa Pig: George! Raise the flag!
Grandpa Pig: Peppa! Ring the bell!
Peppa Pig: Aye aye, Captain!
Grandpa Pig: Granny Pig! Take the wheel!
Granny Pig: Aye aye, Captain!
Grandpa Pig: Full sail!
Peppa Pig: Full sail!
Granny Pig: Maybe you should go a little slower, Grandpa Pig.
Grandpa Pig: Good idea, Granny Pig. I don't want to use up all my petrol.
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, I liked it when we went fast.
Grandpa Pig: Don't worry, Peppa. We'll go fast later!
Peppa Pig: Look! There's another boat!
Narrator: Here's Granddad Dog. He's taking Danny Dog out for a day on the river.
Grandpa Pig: Ahoy there, Granddad Dog!
Granddad Dog: Ahoy there, Grandpa Pig!
Peppa Pig: Hello, Danny!
Danny Dog: Hello, Peppa!
Narrator: Granddad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend.
Grandpa Pig: I'm surprised your boat is still afloat, Granddad Dog. It must be almost as old as you are.
Granddad Dog: This old boat can go faster than your rusty bucket any day, Grandpa Pig.
Grandpa Pig: All right, you old sea dog. Race you.
Granddad Dog: Prepare to lose, water hog.
Granny Pig: You two are acting like little children.
Grandpa Pig: Granddad Dog called me a water hog.
Peppa Pig: You called him a sea dog first, Grandpa. You should say sorry.
Grandpa Pig: Only if he says sorry first.
Danny Dog: Granddad, say sorry to Grandpa Pig. He is your best friend.
Granddad Dog: No. He's a water hog and my boat is faster than his.
Grandpa Pig: All right, sea dog. Let's race to the next bridge.
Granddad Dog: On the count of three.
Grandpa Pig: One... two...
Granddad Dog: Go!
Grandpa Pig: You started too soon.
Granddad Dog: Catch me if you can, water hog!
Grandpa Pig: Sea dog!
Grandpa Pig: Is that as fast as you can go?
Grandpa Pig: Can't catch me!
Grandpa Pig: I win!
Narrator: Oh, dear. Grandpa Pig's boat has run out of petrol.
Granny Pig: Very clever, Captain Grandpa.
Grandpa Pig: Maybe I did go a bit too fast.
Granny Pig: How will we get home?
Peppa Pig: Look, there's Granddad Dog.
Granny Pig: Granddad Dog can tow us home.
Grandpa Pig: I'm not being towed by that sea dog.
Granddad Dog: I haven't offered to tow the water hog.
Granny Pig: Will you two ever grow up?
Peppa Pig: Grandpa, say sorry to Granddad Dog.
Grandpa Pig: I'm sorry I called you a sea dog.
Danny Dog: Granddad, say sorry to Grandpa Pig.
Granddad Dog: I'm sorry I called you a water hog.
Granny Pig: That's nice. Granddad Dog, would you be so kind as to tow us home?
Granddad Dog: It would be my pleasure, madam.
Granddad Dog: Catch this, Captain!
Grandpa Pig: Aye aye, skipper!
Narrator: Granddad Dog is Grandpa Pig's very best friend. Granddad Dog is towing Grandpa Pig's boat home.
Grandpa Pig: The main thing is I won the race.
Granny Pig: Grandpa Pig.
Peppa Pig: Naughty Grandpa Pig.
Grandpa Pig: Peppa. Ring the bell.
Peppa Pig: Aye aye, captain Grandpa.
51. Daddy's Movie Camera
Narrator: Mr Zebra, the postman, is delivering a parcel to Peppa's house.
Mr Zebra: Parcel for you, Mr Pig.
Daddy Pig: Thank you, Mr Zebra. Goodbye.
Daddy Pig: Look. I just got a parcel in the post. Can anyone guess what's inside?
George: Dinosaur.
Peppa Pig: Oh, George. You always say "dinosaur" for everything.
Daddy Pig: The parcel is far too small to have a dinosaur inside.
Peppa Pig: Hmm... I think it's a... a new toy.
Daddy Pig: You're very close.
Mummy Pig: I know what it is. Your new camera. A new toy for Daddy Pig.
Daddy Pig: That's right! It's a movie camera. We can make movies with it and watch them on our television.
Peppa Pig: Can I use it first, Daddy?
Daddy Pig: It's a bit too difficult for children to use. Even I need to read the instructions. Hmm... It's a bit harder than I thought.
Peppa Pig: Suzy Sheep's mummy has a movie camera. She switches it on like this.
Daddy Pig: Oh. Well done, Peppa.
Camera: Thank you for purchasing the Movie 3000. I am eager and ready to shoot your first movie.
Mummy Pig: Is there a way to turn that voice off?
Daddy Pig: I'm not sure.
Camera: Thank you for purchasing the Movie 3000.
Peppa Pig: On Suzy's camera, you just press this button to stop it talking.
Camera: Thank you for purchasing...
Peppa Pig: Now it won't talk anymore.
Mummy Pig: Well done, Peppa.
Daddy Pig: What shall I film first?
Peppa Pig: Film me!
Daddy Pig: OK, Peppa.
Peppa Pig: Hello. I'm Peppa Pig.
Daddy Pig: Come on, everyone.
Peppa Pig: (on camera) Hello. I'm Peppa Pig.
Peppa Pig: Again! Again!
Daddy Pig: OK.
Peppa Pig: (on camera) Hello! I'm Peppa Pig.
Peppa Pig: Again!
Peppa Pig: (on camera) Hello. I'm Peppa Pig.
Peppa Pig: Again! Again!
Daddy Pig: Maybe we should film something new.
Mummy Pig: I know! Daddy Pig must leave the room and we'll make a movie to show him.
Peppa Pig: This way!
Narrator: Daddy Pig has to wait in the kitchen while Mummy Pig, Peppa and George make a secret movie.
Mummy Pig: No peeking, Daddy Pig. We all have to do something. George, do you want to go first?
Daddy Pig: Are you ready? Can I come in and see the movie?
Mummy Pig: Finished! You can come in now! George has made a movie and so has Peppa.
Daddy Pig: Let's see George's movie first.
George: (on camera) Dinosaur! Grrrrr!
Peppa Pig: George is pretending to be a dinosaur.
George: (on camera) Grrr!
Daddy Pig: That's a very scary dinosaur.
Narrator: Oh dear, George is frightened.
Mummy Pig: Don't be frightened, George. That's not a real dinosaur on TV. It's you.
George: Grrrrr! Dinosaur!
Mummy Pig: Now, let's see Peppa's movie.
Peppa Pig: (on camera) Ho, ho, ho.
Daddy Pig: Who is that meant to be?
Peppa Pig: (on camera) I am Daddy Pig! Ho, ho, ho.
Daddy Pig: I see.
Peppa Pig: (on camera) My tummy is very big because I eat a lot of cookies.
Daddy Pig: My tummy is not big! But it is true that I like cookies.
Peppa Pig: And the more you eat, the bigger your tummy gets!
Daddy Pig: OK, what's next?
Peppa Pig: This is my sweet little brother George. This is Mummy Pig. This is me.
Daddy Pig: And this is the real Daddy Pig.
52. School Play
Narrator: Peppa's playgroup are going to put on a play.
Madame Gazelle: The Little Red Riding Hood.
All: Hurrah!
Narrator: All the children have parts in the play. They have to practice at home. Peppa is going to be Little Red Riding Hood. Mummy Pig has made her costume. Daddy Pig is helping Peppa practice.
Daddy Pig: Okay, Peppa, what do you say?
Peppa Pig: I'm Little Red Riding Hood.
Daddy Pig: Very good. Then what?
Peppa Pig: Um...
Daddy Pig: I'm going to visit my grandma.
Peppa Pig: I'm going to visit my grandma.
Daddy Pig: Bravo, Peppa!
Narrator: Danny Dog is going to play the Big Bad Wolf. Granddad Dog and Mummy Dog are helping him practice.
Danny Dog: I'm the Big Bad Wolf.
Mummy Dog: Try not to laugh, Danny.
Granddad Dog: You should be a bit scarier. Try it like this, Danny. I'm the Big Bad Wolf! I'm going to eat you all up! You see?
Danny Dog: Yes, that was really scary.
Narrator: Pedro Pony is going to play the Hunter. He will rescue Peppa from the Big Bad Wolf.
Pedro Pony: Um... I'm the Hunter and...
Narrator: Pedro is a bit shy.
Mummy Pony: You say: “I'm going to chase you away, you Big Bad Wolf!”
Pedro Pony: Go away, naughty wolf.
Mummy Pony: Very good, Pedro.
Narrator: Rebecca Rabbit is going to be the Grandma.
Rebecca Rabbit: What do I say, Mummy?
Mummy Rabbit: Let's see. At the start of the play you get locked in a cupboard by the Big Bad Wolf. Then right at the end of the play you are rescued by the Hunter. And you say: "Thank you."
Rebecca Rabbit: Thank you.
Mummy Rabbit: Very good, Rebecca.
Narrator: Everyone has come to see the school play.
Madame Gazelle: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our play, “The Little Red Riding Hood.” First, let us meet the actors.
Madame Gazelle: Please, please! For the sake of the actors, no photography, please.
Madame Gazelle: And now our play begins!
Madame Gazelle: Grandma is at home. But who is this visitor?
Danny Dog: I'm the Big Bad Wolf.
Granddad Dog: Well done, Danny!
Danny Dog: Um...
Narrator: Oh dear, Danny has forgotten what he says next.
Madame Gazelle: Grandma, you must go in the cupboard.
Danny Dog: Go in the cupboard.
Madame Gazelle: The Big Bad Wolf is pretending to be Grandma.
Peppa Pig: I am Little Red Riding Hood. I'm going to visit my grandma.
Daddy Pig: Bravo, Peppa!
Peppa Pig: Daddy, you must not take photos!
Daddy Pig: Oops! Sorry, Peppa. Carry on!
Peppa Pig: I'm going to visit my grandma. Oh. You don't look like my grandma. What big eyes you have. What big teeth you have! You are not Grandma, you are the Big Bad Wolf! Help! Oh, help!
Madame Gazelle: But look who is here! Just in time. Pedro the Hunter.
Peppa Pig: Help! Oh, help!
Madame Gazelle: Just in time! Pedro the Hunter!
Narrator: Pedro is a bit shy.
Madame Gazelle: Pedro, would you like me to come on with you?
Pedro Pony: Yes, please.
Pedro Pony: You are a very naughty wolf. I've saved you, Grandma.
All: Hurrah!
Rebecca Rabbit: Thank you.
Mummy Rabbit: Bravo!
All: Bravo!
Peppa Pig: Pedro, you were very good. You were almost as good as me.
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